#103 – Top Strategies for Information Distribution

Description of #103 – Top Strategies for Information Distribution
“You might have terrific goals set for your team, expectations that are solid, strategies that are great, tactics that are awesome, but when communication sucks, none of this is going to matter.”
In this episode of the Managing with Mind and Heart, host Ethan Nash discusses the best channels for optimal team communication.
Tons of information is constantly thrown at managers, and it’s their job to act as a funnel and get the appropriate information to their team. Mentioning pertinent information to an employee in the lunch room might feel easiest in the moment, but strategies like these lead to confusion, crossed wires, and in turn, a decrease in workplace morale.
To avoid all that, there are best practices for information distribution at work (remember last week’s episode on the Magic Email?). Listen now to hear Ethan’s deep dive on the top five channels for sharing info with your team.
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