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By Nash Consulting The Managing with Mind and Heart Podcast
#104 – The Challenge-Competency Continuum

#104 – The Challenge-Competency Continuum

12/18/2024 · 22:09

Description of #104 – The Challenge-Competency Continuum

In this episode, Ethan Nash introduces the Challenge-Competency Continuum, a framework for understanding how stress impacts employee productivity. Picture an upside-down “U” with productivity on the y-axis and stress on the x-axis. Too little stress leaves employees unmotivated; too much stress overwhelms them. Peak productivity? It’s right in the middle.
The key to finding that balance, Nash says, ask your employees. Ethan dives into how understanding where someone lands on the continuum—how “challenged” and “competent” they feel—can help managers make smarter decisions. With the right insights, leaders can fine-tune workloads, reduce unnecessary stress, and unlock their team’s full potential.
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