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By PodcastOne The Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Podcast
15 YRS AGO: Keller & Parks & Radican talk Royal Rumble hype, Demolition, Raw, Grand Split, ROH, Dragon Gate...

15 YRS AGO: Keller & Parks & Radican talk Royal Rumble hype, Demolition, Raw, Grand Split, ROH, Dragon Gate...

1/18/2025 · 02:53:35

Description of 15 YRS AGO: Keller & Parks & Radican talk Royal Rumble hype, Demolition, Raw, Grand Split, ROH, Dragon Gate...

Today we jump back to another early episode of the PWTorch Livecast from 15 years ago (1-25-2010). Wade Keller was joined by PWTorch columnist Greg Parks to discuss the build to the Royal Rumble, Smackdown, the WWE brand split, Demolition, and more with live callers and chat room questions.

The second episode in our double-header today is also from 15 years ago (1-26-2010) featuring PWTorch columnist Sean Radican discussing Ring of Honor, Dragon Gate, the prior night's Raw, and Sunday's upcoming WWE Royal Rumble with caller questions and live chat room questions throughout.

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