815: Guest Host Karly Randolph Pitman Helps Stop Sugar Cravings Without Willpower
Description of 815: Guest Host Karly Randolph Pitman Helps Stop Sugar Cravings Without Willpower
Eating disorder specialist and self-love proponent Karly Randolph Pitman is our special guest host in Episode 815 of "The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show."
One of the biggest obstacles to transitioning to a Paleo or low-carb diet is this sweet little enemy to our health known as sugar. You may know why you don't want to eat sugar but yet you still struggle with how to ditch it for good in the face of cravings, stress, and the nagging demands of everyday life. We tend to think that eating less sugar is simply a matter of flexing some kind of mysterious willpower which makes us try harder and harder to control the sugar cravings and how much sugar we eat. Unfortunately, this can make food--and life itself, for that matter--all the more stressful, painful and one giant tightrope. This is something today's guest host Karly Randolph Pitman from "Growing Human(kind)ness" (listen to her in Jimmy's previous interviews with her in Episode 566, Episode 227, Episode 129 and Episode 130) knows all-too-well.
Karly knows a thing or two about this topic as she actively helps men and women heal the emotional roots of disordered eating and sugar addiction through compassion and connection. Rather than learning strategies to control your weight, your body, or what you eat, Karly's "heart over binge" approach heals the inner dynamics that drive it. She has created a term for this that she likes to describe as growing human(kind)ness, where you trade the false refuge of food, sugar, or the pursuit of a perfect body for the true refuge of a loving, nurturing relationship with yourself. And she knows too as someone who struggled for two decades with multiple eating disorders, depression, and addiction. She's the author of several books about this topic, including her latest The 30 Day Lift which she talks about in today's episode.
Listen in as Karly explains why giving up sugar isn't impossible, why it takes a "different" approach to make it happen, how to say no to sugar by building emotional tolerance, what it takes to find the energy to make this happen (and it's not willpower) without white knuckling it, overcoming the stress of saying no, how to separate your cravings for sugar with your current feelings, how to deal with situations when sugar presents itself so readily, and so much more. Karly is a soothing voice of reason in the wilderness of temptation that is out there. Let her help you beat your sugar addiction for good!
LINKS MENTIONED IN EPISODE 815- SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Cookies & Cream Quest Protein Bar- SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Check out ILoveSkinnyFat.com (Use $5 Off Coupon Code: ILOVESKINNYFAT)- Karly Randolph Pitman bio- Growing Human(kind)ness- Subscribe to Karly's FREE newsletter- Karly's The 30 Day Lift sugar detox program- RELATED PODCAST: The LLVLC Show #566: Karly Pitman Encourages ‘Growing Human(kind)ness’ To Overcome Sugar Addiction- RELATED PODCAST: The LLVLC Show #227: Karly Pitman Wishes You A Happy Low-Carb Valentine’s Day- RELATED PODCAST: The LLVLC Show #129: Karly Pitman Is On A Sugar-Fighting Crusade (Part 1)- RELATED PODCAST: The LLVLC Show #130: Karly Pitman Is On A Sugar-Fighting Crusade (Part 2)