83. Microchurch Stories - Jewel Photopulos from Safe Families for Children

Description of 83. Microchurch Stories - Jewel Photopulos from Safe Families for Children
Thanks for listening to Microchurches Podcast this week! In this episode we're continuing in our Microchurch Stories series with Jewel Photopolus from Safe Families for Children, a microchurch that exists to support and strengthen families, prevent child abuse and neglect, and reduce the number of children unnecessarily entering the child welfare system. To learn more about Safe Families for Children, visit www.safe-families.org
Resources mentioned: Microchurches by Brian Sanders.
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The Microchurches podcast is presented by The Underground Network, a network of microchurches and missionaries in the Tampa Bay area. We exist to inspire, engage, connect and empower missional people, churches and networks. If you have enjoyed or benefited from this podcast and/or other Underground resources and would like to support, click here to give.