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By Nash Consulting The Managing with Mind and Heart Podcast
#99 – The Key to Productive Meetings? Thoughtful Agendas.

#99 – The Key to Productive Meetings? Thoughtful Agendas.

9/26/2024 · 37:06

Description of #99 – The Key to Productive Meetings? Thoughtful Agendas.

"People spend way too much time in crappy meetings. They suck your soul and they discourage you."
In this episode of Managing with Mind and Heart, Ethan and Mike Nash discuss the importance of a less glamorous yet essential part of the workplace: meeting agendas.
As a follow-up to the recent episode on how to wrap up meetings with clarity and closure, this episode focuses on what happens before the meeting ends. From starting with a check-in and icebreaker to giving participants space to raise their own concerns, they walk through each step of building a thoughtful and effective meeting agenda. 
Whether you're leading the meeting or simply participating, understanding the flow and purpose of an agenda can make a big difference. Tune in to learn how to make your meetings more organized, efficient, and engaging.
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To get our Effective and Enjoyable Meetings Guidebook, send a note to contact@nashconsulting.com.
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