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By Anissa Rosales Precisely Nowhere
Adult Power Naps, Lessons Learned From My Dad, and Personal Tips On How To Recenter Yourself

Adult Power Naps, Lessons Learned From My Dad, and Personal Tips On How To Recenter Yourself

8/8/2024 · 28:31
Precisely Nowhere Episode of Precisely Nowhere

Description of Adult Power Naps, Lessons Learned From My Dad, and Personal Tips On How To Recenter Yourself

Happy August and shout out to my Leo and Virgo queens and kings! We’re kicking off my birthday month with power naps, a NEW motivational word for August, and personal tips on how to recenter yourself when you’re feeling overwhelmed. As a birthday treat, I’m sharing things I admire about my dad and life lessons I learned from him.


Simple things you can do to recenter yourself and prepare for a trip around the sun:

Reflect on your recent journey (reflect on the lessons you’ve learned and want to bring with you on your next trip around the sun)

Invest in your self-care (make time for habits that add to your physical and mental health) 

Take a break (give yourself time to reset and clear your mind)

Be intentional with your energy (focus on the good and what you want)

Lead with kindness (treat people how you want to be treated and teach them how to treat you)

Keep an open mind (reframe your thoughts to see different perspectives)

Practice patience (remember we all move at our own pace and you can only control you)

Create a gratitude list (write down 3 things you’re grateful for each day)

Get organized (invest in keeping your environment organized so you can have an ambience that’s aesthetically pleasing and easy to your space your curiosity (learning and growing is part of the journey)

Lessons learned from living with Narcolepsy::

EP #60 (Living With Narcolepsy, Girls Trips, and Watching TV At The Gym)

EP #40 (A Candid Update On My Narcolepsy Journey and Tips for Navigating Uncertainty)


Social links:

IG: @PreciselyNowhere

IG: @anissarosales 

Music and Editing by Marco @midnite_mind80 (on Instagram)

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