Description of Arrival with Allix O (Amy Adams is Mother)
This week, Allix O (@ALL_IX) joined us to talk to the ARRIVAL Heptapods. We deep dive into the movie, discuss listener feedback, review previous ladder connections and decide on our next connected cinematic rung (1:30:21). So (re)watch the film (currently streaming on Paramout+) and listen along with us. Then stay tuned to hear what connected film we pick for next week (1:30:21).
Submit your questions, comments, rating and suggested connections for next week’s movie to themovieladder@gmail.com.
Connect with us on Letterboxd (@TheMovieLadder), Twitter (@LadderMovie) and Instagram (@laddermovie). Check out our Letterboxd watchlist to see all the movies suggested on this podcast. You can find us individually on Twitter (@FitzyBrendan and @brooksza) and Letterboxd (@FitzyBrendan and @brooksza).
And join us for the Ladder Library Movie Challenge in 2025!