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Compilation Of Corruption: Cecile De Jongh Denies Her Ties To Jeffrey Epstein (1/22/25)

Description of Compilation Of Corruption: Cecile De Jongh Denies Her Ties To Jeffrey Epstein (1/22/25)
Cecile De Jongh has filed a motion in the court of the USVI attempting to get the lawsuit that has been brought against her by multiple survivors as part of the USVI lawsuit tossed out. Her defense? Well, the same old story, and it all begins and ends with secretive deals and payouts structured specifically keep things quiet.
In this episode, we take a look at what Cecile De Jongh had to say in her newest filing and where the survivors might go from here when it comes to a response.
(commercial 9:04)
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Cecile de Jongh Files Motion to Dismiss N.Y. Suit Alleging Collusion with Epstein | St. Thomas Source (stthomassource.com)
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