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By Hans-Jörg stark Audiostretto 59/4/24 English


12/5/2024 · 01:14

Description of Dimensions

I was recently in Berlin. I was struck by the dimensions of the city: The buildings are incredibly massive, the squares and streets take up an enormous amount of space, and I could go on and on. As well as being amazed by these dimensions, which are so unfamiliar to me, I find myself fixated on what I'm looking at, completely forgetting myself or not even noticing myself. I feel different when, in my own arrogance, I compare myself with others and do very well - in my own eyes, of course. Then I am big and the other person is small. What I see and how I see it is therefore determined by my own perception and categorisation in the environment. With this in mind, I can better imagine what it is like for people who have had or are having a deep experience of God in their lives. Do you know this from your own experience?

I wish you an extraordinary day!

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