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By Anissa Rosales Precisely Nowhere
DIY Home Renovation Tips, Leveraging Talents To Build A Life You Love, Fall Fashion with Rose Balzano

DIY Home Renovation Tips, Leveraging Talents To Build A Life You Love, Fall Fashion with Rose Balzano

8/21/2024 · 01:20:32
Precisely Nowhere Episode of Precisely Nowhere

Description of DIY Home Renovation Tips, Leveraging Talents To Build A Life You Love, Fall Fashion with Rose Balzano

In this interview episode we’re catching up with a Brooklyn princess (and my former co-host). Rose is a producer, creator, chronic crafter, mom, wife, and badass. 


Since we last recorded together (in June 2023), Rose has had a lot of change and growth. In today’s episode she takes us back to how she developed a love for the “arts”, let’s us in on WHY it’s important for her to create authentic and “stream of consciousness” social content. 


Rose’s 3 favorite things (right now):

Her new kitchen (that’s right, she’s a homeowner now 👏)

Caesar Salads (pro tips on how to up-level your next salad)

Dae Hair Timing Wand (https://daehair.com/products/cactus-fruit-3-in-1-styling-cream-taming-wand


Relevant links:

Rose’s TikTok: @astra_rose19 (https://www.tiktok.com/@astra_rose19)

Follow @PreciselyNowhere on Instagram or Facebook 

Follow @anissarosales on Instagram

Music and Editing by Marco @midnite_mind80 on Instagram

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