Description of Ep. 69: MEN AGAINST TIME! [feat. @aGnonSIS)
Much ink has been spilled about Donald J. Trump, the 45th–and soon to be 47th–US President. He is one of the most famous men in history. And yet, so often when Trump is being discussed, we are seldom ever talking about the man himself.
Donald Trump is arguably the most iconic American folk hero since Paul Bunyon, and but his mythic status and the media spectacle that surrounds him casts a glare over the icon himself. He is somehow the most visible & transparent figure on earth, and yet he is an enigma. Supporters and detractors alike seem to relish in projecting their fears and desires onto this larger than life, flame-colored human canvas.
Beyond pop psychology and the biographical trivia, who is the actual man in question when we speak about “The Donald?” What force animates him, what is it about him that inspires either fanatical devotion or slavish contempt in the hearts of men? What is the nature of his soul?
Whip-smart and supremely based anon aGnonSIS joins Poolhouse for an ultra-cosmic voyage of the backklash variety, one that delves beyond Trump’s spectacular veneer, and plumbs the unconscious depths of the mythic, in search of the substance that fuels the legendary figure named Donald Trump.
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Carl Jung, writing on Nietzsche, uses the concept of Wotan (also known as Odin), to explore the psychic undercurrents beneath the sweeping rise of National Socialism in Germany:
Jung sees the resurgence of the spirit of Wotan as the animus behind National Socialism, a force which he speculates was not repudiated but merely in temporary retreat (“reculer pour mieux sauter” - to draw back in order to make a better jump)
Meanwhile, Savitri Devi essentially sums up her entire thesis with her poetic dedication contained in the first pages of THE LIGHTNING AND THE SUN:
me to my haters, etc:
you’ll never guess who she’s talking about here:
ODIN (1876) - Carl Emil Doepler
If you want to know more about the best Donald Trump / Back to the Future / Tesla / Time Travel conspiracy, follow Invisidon, the best guy I know on it:
( I def think he is on to *something*. I just could not explain it if I tried)
Invisidon, come on here comes the backklash!
Program Notes
(0:00) - radio geezertopia
(10:50) - 09A & rw subversives
(22:23) - Jung on Wotan (Odin)
(25:33) - Sun & Lightning: Savitri Devi
(31:13) - Mind Over Matter (Interlude)
(32:03) - Men Against Time
(44:00) - Self-Made Man Against Time
(49:59) - Meme Made Man (Interlude)
(53:43) - Trump’s Secret Power
(59:15) - Luckiest Man on Earth (Interlude)
(1:01:16) - Time Travel, Meme Magic & Synchronicity
(1:21:18) - Ultimix Mode w/ aG
Episode Mixtape
Ace of Base - Never Gonna Say I’m Sorry (Rock Remix) (bumper)
Night Club - Blood on Your Blade
Burzum - Rundgang Um Die Transzendentale Saule Der Singularitat
Timelords - Doctorin the Tardis (Minimal Mix)
Glaciaere - Pool water dripping from the diving board
P.E.P.E. - Shadilay
Rihanna - Disturbia (exile synthwave mix)
Depeche Mode - John the Revelator (Murk Mode Dub) (bumper)
Kesha - Die Young (Deeman Rock Remix)
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