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By adsnider Almost Famous Word Girl Podcast
Epi 6 3 Tips on Stewarding New Relationships

Epi 6 3 Tips on Stewarding New Relationships

4/24/2024 · 28:38

Description of Epi 6 3 Tips on Stewarding New Relationships

In the real world where we do not live on an island all by ourselves, God causes to be in relationship with others. God says in the word, that two are better than one and there are people just like you and me where the outcome can be a beautiful relationship. When God sends a strategic relationships, we must learn how to steward it at the onset for a nourishing and flourishing relationship. We will talk about three helpful tips to help you navigate this new spring time of a relationship. • Proverbs 17:17• Ecclesiastes 4; 9-10• Proverbs 27:17 Abram, Z (2023, June) The Science of Why Friendships Keep us Healthy. Retrieved from https://www.apa.org/monitor/2023/06/cover-story-science-friendship

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