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By Josephine Karungi Climate Talk Uganda With Josephine Karungi
Episode 12: Climate Talk Uganda with Josephine Karungi

Episode 12: Climate Talk Uganda with Josephine Karungi

12/2/2024 · 17:48

Description of Episode 12: Climate Talk Uganda with Josephine Karungi

Drains, culverts, pipes and ditches: facilities you probably never think about. But vital to ensuring that Uganda is able to cope with the increased number and intensity of rainfall events brought on by climate change.

What it comes down to is this: there's an urgent, ongoing need for integrated planning at all levels if Uganda is to successfully adapt to the challenges of climate change. So says our guest, Dr Max Kigobe of Makerere University. He's en engineer by training and has worked on major infrastructure projects, so he brings an engineer's insights alongside experience in analysing historical patterns of rainfall in the country. Dr Kigobe has extensive experience in water resource and climate change modelling, and is currently a Senior Lecturer in Water Resources, Hydrology and Climate Change at Makerere University.

This is the first of two linked episodes in which we're asking engineers for their insights into infrastructure design and climate change.

You can find some of Dr Max Kigobe's research papers here:


And you can get in touch with us here: climatetalkpod@gmail.com

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