Episode 180 Gwendolyn Fitz – Ukeleleing in Brooklyn

Description of Episode 180 Gwendolyn Fitz – Ukeleleing in Brooklyn
My intro to this episode does not need any explaining. If you listened to it, you will know where my monologue is going. Anyhow, I wanted to give a big shout-out to the following people: Vanesa Aponte for being my loyal Patreon; Inaki Sanchez for being another Patreon on Ivoox and a big friend; to Pogo Pedals, for their wonderful pedals I bought from them, and all of you, my subscribers and listeners, for tuning-in/downloading each episode on a weekly basis. Without you, there would be no inspiration to make a music podcast.
Also, I do not want to leave out my wonderful guest: Gwendlolyn Fitz who was very charming and full of energy while answering and correcting me on some facts that I got wrong. BIG THANK YOU GWENDOLYN, and I hope I can go next year to Brooklyn Ukelele Festival
On today’s biweekly episode, the recording session was done as usual, from home. Gwedolyn was born and raised in Texas, but moved to New York City to embrace the energy that comes out continually from the City that Never Sleeps. Although I think that she injected more energy to the city with her vibrant and cheerful attitude.
Gwendolyn started her ukulele journey circa 2016. As an energetic person, she started doing podcast during the Covid Lockdown put into place by Mayor DiBlasio, and started giving form of what was going to be her new born project: Brooklyn Ukekele Festival that has been celebrated for the last two years.
Having said that, my guest on this episode is a great ukulele player, you should check her videos on her YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/c/GwendolynFitz. Make sure to subscribe to her channel!
Also, you can follow her website:
Instagram: @gwendolynfitzmusic ; @brooklynukefest
Twitter: @gwenfitzmusic
Copyright © 2021 Music in 2Flavors/Música en 2Sabores®. All rights reserved.
The song included in this podcast: Painter Painter, its protected under US Copyright Act and its ownership/proprietorship belongs to Gwendolyn Fitz who gave us permission to play it at the end of this episode.
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The content of this episode is protected under US Copyright Act and under International Copyright, and Trademark Law. These statutes protect the audio, video, still image, logos, designs, graphics and any other mean where this podcast is broadcasted. Any reproduction, either digital, streaming, analog recording, video recording, tape recording or on any form of reproduction created in the future, of this episode and/or music, either partially or fully, it is forbidden without the previous authorization of their owners/proprietors/authors/creators/producers.
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Music in 2Flavors/Música en 2Sabores® logo is a registered trademark. All use, replica, reproduction or use of the words and/or logo, in any form, format, is forbidden without proprietor’s authorization. Any misuse, use of similar brands that could create confusion or dilution is considered trademark infringement. These causes of action are not exclusionary of other causes of action that could arise from State or any other Federal Law such as: passing off; contributory passing off; reverse passing off; misappropriation; as well as any other cause of action, such as torts, that originates from violator’s action.
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This music podcast is made out of pure love and in appreciation to all of those people that care and are huge supporters of our music scene.
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