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By Musicin2Flavors Music in 2Flavors
Episode Master 195.1 Joanna Ross Hersey – women in Brass Music

Episode Master 195.1 Joanna Ross Hersey – women in Brass Music

7/14/2022 · 01:36:18
Music in 2Flavors Episode of Music in 2Flavors

Description of Episode Master 195.1 Joanna Ross Hersey – women in Brass Music

On this episode, which is the first part of two (that is why the number is 195.1) I started reading parts of my guest’s Thesis. The recording of this first part, we jumped immediately talking about her PhD titled: “Such Unfeminine Instruments,” Women Brass Musicians in America Before 1940”.

On this first part, we talked a lot about her upbringing; her time with the US Coast Guard and how competitive it was; how UNC at Pembroke, where she is a Dean Associate on the Department of Music, approaches their student and prioritize on them (making a distinction of how education was viewed 20 or 30 years ago); and Music Business.

You could read more about Joanna amazing music career on her website: https://joannahersey.com/ and congratulate her for been awarded Susan Slaughter Award for Leadership at the 2022 International Women’s Brass Conference.

The music included in this episode are protected under US Copyright Act and its ownership/proprietorship belongs to Joana Ross Hersey. Any unauthorized used will be subject to prosecution as per 17 USC §1101 et seq.

Copyright © 2022 Music in 2Flavors/Música en 2Sabores®. All rights reserved.

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The audios included here are from Joanna Ross Hersey CD O Quam Mirabilis: Trois Piece Vite et nervousement rytmé by Nadi Boulanger (1886-1979) and the last one is Elegy for a King composed Portia Njoku.

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