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By Musicin2Flavors Music in 2Flavors
Episode Master 212: Jonathan Parkins

Episode Master 212: Jonathan Parkins

4/5/2023 · 01:42:30
Music in 2Flavors Episode of Music in 2Flavors

Description of Episode Master 212: Jonathan Parkins

On today’s episode, I have the honor of having as a guest another great classical guitar player: Jonathan Parkins. I met Jonathan via an acquaintance, Juan Erena who was my guest on Episode 202. It is no coincidence that both episodes are even numbers.

On this episode, as it my trend, I get to know Jonathan’s teenage years in an industrial UK town and we made a parallelism of the Fab Four from Liverpool. We embarked on his different journeys throughout Academia and Finland and much more.

Currently, Jonathan has been blessed being domiciled on Valencia with a wonderful Mediterranean weather and we talked on the unedited version about Fallas, Mascletá, and Ninots. This part is on Patreon.
You can follow Jonathan Parkin on his website: https://www.jonathanrossparkin.com/ and on his Instagram @Jonathan_parkin and on @zk_duo.

El Arte de la Fe composed by Javier Salvador is the intro music to this episode and we closed with I remember you composed by Juan Erena.

The music included in this episode are protected under US Copyright Act and its arrangements/ownership/proprietorship belongs to Jonathan Parkin, Juan Erena Marmol and Javier Salvador. Any unauthorized used will be subject to prosecution as per 17 USC §1101 et seq.

Copyright © 2023 Music in 2Flavors/Música en 2Sabores®. All rights reserved.
The content of this episode is protected under US Copyright Act and under International Copyright, and Trademark Law. These statutes protect the audio, video, still image, logos, designs, graphics and any other mean where this podcast is broadcasted. Any reproduction, either digital, streaming, analog recording, video recording, tape recording or on any form of reproduction created in the future, of this episode and/or music, either partially or fully, it is forbidden without the previous authorization of their owners/proprietors/authors/creators/producers.

Music in 2Flavors/Música en 2Sabores® logo is a registered trademark. All use, replica, reproduction or use of the words and/or logo, in any form, format, is forbidden without proprietor’s authorization. Any misuse, use of similar brands that could create confusion or dilution is considered trademark infringement. These causes of action are not exclusionary of other causes of action that could arise from State or any other Federal Law such as: passing off; contributory passing off; reverse passing off; misappropriation; as well as any other cause of action, such as torts, that originates from violator’s action.

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This music podcast is made from pure love and in appreciation to all of those people that care and are huge supporters of our music scene.
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Twitter : M2fM2s

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Website : www.musicin2flavors.com

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You are more than welcome to do a one time or more than one-month donation to keep this music project on-going and possible. If you cannot afford a financial support, please share it in your favorite social media and tagged me. I would appreciate it and in return give you a shout-out on all my platforms and on the next episode.

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