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Fatal Attraction: Magnet Woo

Fatal Attraction: Magnet Woo

2/14/2024 · 51:21

Description of Fatal Attraction: Magnet Woo

EPISODE 104 | Fatal Attraction: Magnet Woo

While we use magnets all the time, most of us don’t know some of the subtleties of magnetic fields and the electromagnetic force. This lack of knowledge is the perfect opening for scam artists to sell unsuspecting folks all kinds of sham cures for illnesses and injuries, opening up a wide world of woo and pseudoscientific narratives.

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02:56 - Come Together - What is electromagnetism?

07:46 - Diesel and Dust - Magnetic water treatments, magnetic gasoline treatments, magnetic mugs

15:02 - Hypnotic Tango - Mesmer and animal magnetism, the rise of hypnosis, arthritis cures, magnetic shoes

24:58 - Terrible Lie - Albert Abrahms, Hercules Sanche's Electropoise, Ruth Beymer Drown and the Vibra-Ray, Georges Lakhovsky's Multiple Wave Oscillator (MWO), Thomas Galen Hieronymus's "eloptic energy", Royal Rife, Hulda Regehr Clark, Precision Herbs, H. A. Morton Whitby, Radionics and De La Warr Laboratories 

41:20 - You'll Be My Toy, I'll Be Your Electricity - More quackery, Desiré Dubounet & Quantum Medicine

47:22 - Baby Stick Around - Human magnets: Leonid Tenkaev and Miroslaw Magola, the Super Human/Super Brain/Magnetic Man

Music by Fanette Ronjat

More Info

Electromagnetism 101 video from National Geographic

The basic principles of electromagnetism on Electrical Apprentice

Why does the moving of charged particles (electrons) in a wire carrying electricity produce a magnetic field? on Quora

Magnetic water treatment and pseudoscience on AquaScams

Non Chemical Devices: Thirty Years of Myth Busting by Timothy Keister, FAIC, CWT in Water Conditioning & Purification magazine, April 2008

Demonstration and Evaluation of Magnetic Descalers paper by the US Army Corps of Engineers, September 2001

Electronic Water Conditioner: Do They Work?


The True Price Of Gas: What It Should Really Cost To Fill Up on FastCompany

The True Cost of Gasoline: $15 Per Gallon on Smart Cities Dive archived article

Super FuelMAX® Booster Fuel Saving Device - Made in USA product page

Super FuelMAX Marketers Settle FTC Charges from the Federal Trade Commission

Magnetic Mug from Serenity 2000 product page

IAMPDD Self Stirring Mug product page on Amazon

Mesmerized by Magnetism column by Michael Shermer

Franz Anton Mesmer in the Super-Enlightenment Digital Archive at Stanford Libraries

Beginners Guide to the History of Hypnosis (Timeline)

Magnets Provide Amusement, But Not Health Benefits in Science-Based Medicine

Magnet Therapy: A Skeptical View on Quackwatch

Questionable Ads for Magnets on Quackwatch

Florsheim’s MagneForce Shoes on Quackwatch

BIOflex and VITAflex health magnets

The Electronic Reactions of Albert Abrams on American Artifacts

Multiple Wave Oscillator - Forgotten Device that is claimed to have cured Cancer

The Incredible Drown Case in Today's Health, April 1968

The Incredible Drown Case on Quackwatch

Bionuu Clinic 

Metayantra quack products

Polaris DD in Prague

Multiple wave oscillator at Clinica Omega Zeta

DIY Lakhovsky MWO (Milti Wave Oscollator) Device, Detailed Informations, Facts, Analysis

Hieronymus Machine in the New Age Encyclopedia

Rife Machines and Cancer

The Cancer Cure That Worked: 50 Years of Suppression by Barry Lynes

“The Cure for All Cancers”? Maybe Not.

Precision Herbs on Rationalwiki

FDA Warning Letter to Precision Herbs LLC

Paranoia, the Destroyer – Gangstalking, Targeted Individuals & Havana Syndrome episode

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity: a critical review of explanatory hypotheses

Is It Possible to Be Allergic to Electricity? on Healthline

Recognizing Dubious Health Devices

Is it worth it? PEMF

UVLrx Therapy Lights Up Charlatans Dealing In Medical Devices

Questions for Pseudoscience | Magnet Therapy video on Dark Science

Electrostatics: A non-contact force

Silly season, silly machine

Desire Dubounet on IMDb

S-HE, She or He Movie 2008 the story of Desire' Dubounet and the war crimes trial of Harry S Truman video

Is there any validity to the claim that some people are “human magnets,” with their bodies able to attract an assortment of objects?

Strange attractors

Miroslaw Magola YouTube channel

Man claims he has magnetic powers, can make objects stick to body

James Randi debunks Magnet Man video

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