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By Andrew McGivern the Daily Quote
Henry Van Dyke – Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those.

Henry Van Dyke – Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those.

1/18/2025 · 03:36
the Daily Quote Episode of the Daily Quote

Description of Henry Van Dyke – Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those.

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Welcome to The Daily Quote – a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, for January 18th.
Now, let’s talk about something many of us have: that little stash of unused gift cards sitting somewhere, just waiting to see the light of day.
I know we have a stash...
If you do too then today is the day!!
Today is National Use Your Gift Card Day—a holiday created to encourage you to take action. Whether it’s a coffee card from last Christmas, a random discount to that store you visited once, or even a generous voucher from a loved one, today’s the day to put them to good use.
Fittingly, today’s quote is a gentle nudge to use all the gifts you’ve been given—both the ones in your wallet and the ones within you.
It comes from Henry Van Dyke, a writer, poet, and Presbyterian minister known for his inspirational works.
He once said:
"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best."

Isn’t that awesome? It’s a reminder that your unique talents and contributions matter, even if you feel like they’re not the "best" compared to others. Van Dyke, who lived from 1852 to 1933, wrote extensively about nature, faith, and human potential. He believed in the power of small actions and the significance of every individual’s role in the world.
So how does this tie into National Use Your Gift Card Day? Well, think of it this way: a gift card sitting unused is like a talent you’re not sharing. Maybe it’s not flashy or grand, but it has value—and it can bring joy, whether to yourself or someone else. Much like a bird in the woods, your contribution doesn’t need to be the loudest or most perfect to be meaningful.
Today’s the perfect day to embrace Van Dyke’s wisdom. Use the talent you’ve got, even if it feels small or ordinary. Sing your own song, so to speak, whether that’s sharing your creativity, lending a helping hand, or just showing kindness. And while you’re at it, dig out that old Starbucks card and treat yourself—you’ve earned it.
The world would be a much quieter place if only the “best” birds sang, and life would be a lot less interesting if we all held back our gifts.
The birds don't have imposter syndrome so why do we?
So don’t wait for the perfect moment. Today’s as good a day as any to celebrate what you have to offer.
That's gonna do it for today. Thanks for tuning in to The Daily Quote. Sing your song, swipe that card, and remember—you’re a gift, too. And I'll be back tomorrow, same pod time, same pod station for another Daily Quote.

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