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By KTRH (KTRH-AM) Houston's Morning News
Houston's Morning News 5-8am with Jimmy Barrett & Shara Fryer

Houston's Morning News 5-8am with Jimmy Barrett & Shara Fryer

9/28/2018 · 02:11:47

Description of Houston's Morning News 5-8am with Jimmy Barrett & Shara Fryer

Bob Frantz in for Jimmy Barrett and Shara Fryer take you through the stories that matter on the morning of 9/28/2018, including: Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh and one of his accusers Dr. Christine Blasey Ford appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday to answer questions about an allegation of sexual assault from 36-years ago. The committee is scheduled to vote on Kavanaugh’s confirmation today; The first ‘Robot Brothel’ in the US is set to open in Houston. City and religious leaders are scrambling to put a stop to a Canadian businessman’s effort, but supporters say there is nothing on the books that prevents them from legally conducting business; A University of Texas alumnus, fed up with liberal bias at his alma mater, has harnessed the power of social media to alert fellow Longhorns about the problem and generate pushback against leftism at the school. Attorney Mark Pulliam, a graduate of the University of Texas School of Law, recently launched a new Facebook page called “Stop the Insanity at UT,” which serves as a one-stop shop for campus news and commentary that exposes troubling trends at the Lone Star State’s flagship public university. “Most alums do not know about the speech codes, diversity team, and professor quotas. I wanted to get it all in one place so alums who want to hear about the university going crazy with social justice can visit my page,”; Predicting the future is a fool’s game at the best of times. Right now it’s madness – so much is up in the air technologically, politically, economically, ecologically and spiritually, it seems as likely we’ll be shivering in caves as enjoying our new bionic exoskeletons by 2118. For all the talk of humans living longer, life expectancy has flat lined in recent years. The near future doesn’t look younger and fitter so much as older and fatter, as the median age in the developed world powers past 40 towards the middle of the century. But of all the developments emerging now, it’s technology focused on the human body that would appear to introduce the most chaos into the system. California biotech startups talk of making death “optional”. Facebook is working on telepathic interfaces. Bionic limbs will soon outperform human limbs. Are we ready to treat our bodies as pieces of hardware?

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