This week, Dr. Prather answers a common misconception about Iodine and Breast Cancer. In this episode, you'll discover:
—The extensive research showing how Low Iodine causes an increased chance of Breast Cancer and a faster growth in the Cancer.
—Why the widespread belief of the medical profession that Iodine is dangerous is actually based upon a falsified study, which was paid for by the pharmaceutical companies and took 5 decades to debunk.
—How Iodine used to be the most commonly prescribed medicine out there until the falsified study was published in 1948. And the useful rhyme doctors used to quote about the importance of giving Iodine to patients.
—Why Dr. Prather says that, "if you want good looking breasts then make sure your Iodine stays at a good level". And how Iodine is important for the skin and has an anti-aging effect.
—How Dr. Prather finds that 100% of patients in Indiana have Low Iodine. And how Dr. Prather's office tests to make sure which form of Iodine will work best for your body.
—How Iodine is "one of the most important things for any issue with the Breast", including Fibrocystic Breasts, preventing Breast Cancer, and improving the outcome of Breast Cancer.
—The importance of Iodine in balancing our Hormones for optimal health. And the link between a Hypothyroid (Low Functioning Thyroid) and Breast Cancer.
—The Cancers that Iodine has been proven to help with, including: Breast, Stomach, Esophageal, Cervical, Ovarian, and Uterine Cancers. And how Iodine helps prevent Cancer cells from replicating.
—The benefits of Iodine for Men’s health, including boosting Testosterone and being helpful with Prostate Cancer. And the reason Selenium and the Zinc-Copper ratio are important considerations for Iodine to work properly in the body.
—Why the Iodine levels of a breastfeeding Mom "makes a huge difference" for their child's I.Q. And how proper Iodine levels can make your child bigger, stronger, healthier, and smarter.