It Is Dangerously Easy to Turn God’s Gifts into Idols
Description of It Is Dangerously Easy to Turn God’s Gifts into Idols
“You shall bow down no more to the work of your hands.”
Micah 5:13It’s dangerously easy to turn God’s good gifts into idols. Adam was made to enjoy a relationship with God. Adam had that relationship before he had a home in Eden, before he had work in the garden, and before God gave him a wife. The order is important.
God gave Adam the gift of marriage. But he was not made for marriage. Marriage is not the ultimate purpose; it is a good gift from God in which you can pursue the ultimate purpose.
God gave Adam the gift of work. But he was not made for work. Work isn’t the ultimate purpose. It is a good gift from God in which you pursue the ultimate purpose.
God gave Adam and Eve a home in Eden. But they were not made for the home. The home is not the ultimate purpose. It is a good gift from God in which you can pursue the ultimate purpose.
What is the ultimate purpose? You were made to enter a relationship of love with almighty God in which you share His life, His work, His family, and His joy—for time and for eternity.
Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. This is why Christian ministry must always be God- centred (Christ-centered). The purpose of ministry is not to glorify yourself and enjoy yourself forever, but to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever.
Where do you find it easiest (most tempting) to turn God’s good gifts into idols?