Jah Works Radio 10/23/2024 Reasoning Series with Basil Brave Heart
Description of Jah Works Radio 10/23/2024 Reasoning Series with Basil Brave Heart
On this sacred morning, we gather by the fireside to reason with our good brother and Lakota elder, Basil Brave Heart. At 91 years old and many lifetimes of experiences, he has A LOT of wisdom to share and he generously shares much regarding the teachings of his grandmother, the intricacies of the Lakota language, quantum physics and how it relates to traditional Lakota teachings, infinite experiences and much more. Hold this one, family, and meditate on these vibrations… One love…
Download here (right click and “save link as” to download): http://archive.org/download/jah-works-radio-10-23-24-with-basil-brave-heart/Jah%20Works%20Radio%2010-23-24%20with%20Basil%20Brave%20Heart.mp3