Jah Works Radio 3/20/2024 Reasoning Series with Beverly D, Airik El, Lester Loving and Robert X

Description of Jah Works Radio 3/20/2024 Reasoning Series with Beverly D, Airik El, Lester Loving and Robert X
Back with our first ifficial reasoning series of the year – this one a simulcast with Beverly D’s Truth2Power Radio Show and the Ringing Stone Network. We are graced with two prominent figures in the conscious community, Lester Loving, who has been on the show many times, and Dr. Robert X. The two of them meet for the first time and have an enlightening and fun conversation, so you already know many jewels are dropped throughout the show, along with some great laughs on this late night style reasoning session. Kick back and enjoy the reasoning, and we’ll be back in a few days with the next musical installment. One love…
Download here (right click and “save link as” to download): http://archive.org/download/jah-works-radio-3-20-2024-with-lester-loving/Jah%20Works%20Radio%203-20-2024%20with%20Lester%20Loving.mp3