Jah Works Radio “Sounds of the Coqui Virgin Islands Reggae/Meditation Mix”

Description of Jah Works Radio “Sounds of the Coqui Virgin Islands Reggae/Meditation Mix”
Ras E and D-RO go deep into the Ioneyez Studio/Lab to mix up this alchemystical sound collage featuring roots music out of the Virgin Islands along with sounds of nature and words of power. The end result is a meditation/medication piece featuring many of the greatest artists from the Virgin Islands, including Midnite, Dezarie, Bambu Station, Ras Batch, Pressure Busspipe, Reemah, Danny I, Army, Jahman, Tuff Lion, Haile Israel, King Lemuel, Junior P and more. One infinite love…
Download here (right click and “save link as” to download): http://archive.org/download/jah-works-radio-sounds-of-the-coqui-virgin-islands-mix/Jah%20Works%20Radio%20Sounds%20of%20the%20Coqui%20Virgin%20Islands%20Mix.mp3