Description of Jesus Is My Strength
Finally, My Brethren, Be Strong In The Lord And In The Power Of His Might.
Understanding that our Strength is in God, is a Law of the Spirit
Strength is the capacity to withstand, endure, hold on, push through – how many times in our lives when it seemed like we were not going to make it, when we were at our wits end, when things seemed so bad that there was just no way we could ever get through? What we need most at times like those, is strength, God’s strength, His ability.
Everyone has a strength, sometimes we refer to them as gifts or anointings but wouldn’t it be nice if our greatest strength was our ability to trust God, no matter what?
I believe as Christians, that is our goal, that is why we pray, study the word and go to church, because our heartfelt desire is to grow to a place where our faith and ability to trust in God is our greatest strength
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