Jordan Peterson – Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world

Description of Jordan Peterson – Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world
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Welcome to The Daily Quote – a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, for January 14th.
It’s a big day for decluttering and thinking clearly, because today is National Organize Your Home Day, a chance to tidy up our living spaces and our minds—two things that go hand in hand more often than we realize.
It’s the perfect excuse to finally tackle the junk drawer, sort out the closet that’s doubling as a time capsule, or, dare I say it, find out exactly what’s in the back of your fridge.
Getting your house in order is more than just a physical activity—it’s an emotional and mental refresh. And what better time to start than January? We’re still fresh into 2025, full of ambitious goals and big dreams, but let’s be honest—how much easier would it be to achieve those goals if you weren’t stepping over shoes in the hallway or searching for your keys every morning?
It's the logical thing to do, isn't it?
Today is also World Logic Day, a celebration of clear thinking and rationality. After all, it’s only logical to start your year by creating a solid foundation—and organizing your home is a great place to begin. It’s the first step in creating an environment that supports your success.
Today’s quote comes from Jordan Peterson, who said:
"Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world."
It’s a reminder that the change we want to see in the world often starts with the change we need to make in our own lives.
Think of it this way: how can you confidently take on 2025’s challenges if you’re tripping over laundry piles or can’t find your favorite notebook? The metaphorical and literal “house” in this quote suggests that getting organized isn’t just about tidying your shelves; it’s about aligning your actions with your goals.
Here’s a little dry humor for you: If your house is in chaos, what chance does the rest of the world have? Start with the laundry, and then—if you’re feeling ambitious—tackle world peace.
So, here’s your challenge for today: take 15 minutes to organize one thing—your desk, your sock drawer, or even just your thoughts. Use the momentum from that small victory to propel you toward bigger goals. Remember, every big change starts with a small, logical step.
I'm Andrew McGivern, signing off for today.... the next logical step is for me to get to work on another episode and for you to hit the follow button in your podcast app.
So press the follow button and I'll be back tomorrow, same pod time, same pod station for another Daily Quote.