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By David Fairhead Kettle Whistle Radio
Kettle Whistle Radio # 307 Unfuckwithable with Lindsay Manfredi

Kettle Whistle Radio # 307 Unfuckwithable with Lindsay Manfredi

12/9/2024 · 01:39:49

Description of Kettle Whistle Radio # 307 Unfuckwithable with Lindsay Manfredi

Bassist for COLD, life coach and founder of Girls Rock Indianapolis, Lindsay Manfredi returns to talk about her book UNFUCKWITHABLE: A Guide to Inspired Baddassery. Between albums and tours, we catch Lindsay in the middle of books as well! We get to the meat of her Guide to Inspired Baddassery, with some eye opening conversations and tidbits that can change your outlook on life and the people surrounding you. We do not forget the music discussion of course! You will get the latest talk on her part in the Cold Army and the force from "the Source" that she implements for her own outlook on life. #coldband #coldarmy #lindsaymanfredi #unfuckwithablelindsaymanfredi #lindsaymanfrediinterview #kettlewhistleradio #kettlewhistlerradioonyoutube #deadmemoriesbook #davidjfairheadauthor #iheartradio #burningbulbpublishing

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