Maya Angelou - If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude

Description of Maya Angelou - If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude
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Welcome to The Daily Quote—a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I’m your host, Andrew McGivern, for January 6th.
Let’s talk about Mondays. Specifically, today’s holiday: Thank God It’s Monday Day. Yes, today is about turning the tide on Mondays, a day that’s earned a reputation as the worst of the week. But before we dig into how to reverse that narrative, let me hit you with some sobering stats.
Research shows that:
Heart attacks are 20% more likely to occur on Mondays than any other day.
Car accidents peak on Monday mornings due to stress and distracted driving.
Workplace productivity? It’s at its lowest of the week.
Ouch. Mondays, it seems, are in desperate need of a rebrand. That’s why today’s quote comes from Maya Angelou:
"If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude."
Think about that for a second. You might not be able to erase Mondays from existence—believe me, I’ve given it some thought and that would just make Tuesday the bad guy— so if you can't change Monday then you can change how you approach them.
Why do Mondays hit us so hard? It’s not just the early alarm or the looming to-do list. It’s our mindset. We’ve trained ourselves to dread Mondays before they even arrive. But Maya Angelou’s wisdom offers a way out: if the day itself won’t change, then it’s on us to change how we see it.
And that’s exactly what Thank God It’s Monday Day is all about—flipping the narrative. Instead of stress and dread, what if you approached Monday as a day to recalibrate, refocus, and restart?
Now, I get it—you’re not going to love Mondays overnight. But maybe today, you can take one small step:
Plan a lunch break you actually look forward to.
Set one goal for the week that excites you.
Or simply remind yourself that every Monday survived brings you closer to Friday.
Or as Seth Godin says... maybe pick a career that you look forward to doing. Then no escape will be necessary.
And if that still feels like too much effort, you can always celebrate the little things, like coffee. Statistically speaking, Monday is the busiest day for coffee shops. Coincidence? I think not. Coffee: 1. Monday: 0.
Let’s make a pact to reverse those grim Monday stats. Less stress, fewer accidents, and a healthier start to the week—because Maya Angelou was right. Changing your attitude isn’t easy, but it’s worth it.
Who needs easy anyway... but everyone wants worth it.
Thank you for joining me today on The Daily Quote. Today do your part make Monday a great day. It starts with all of us individually. I'm Andrew McGivern, signing off for today... but I'll be back tomorrow, same pod time, same pod station for another Daily Quote.