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By PietreVive Art of the Word: the Living Stones Podcast
Art of the Word: the Living Stones Podcast

Art of the Word: the Living Stones Podcast


For several centuries, artists and entire communities have produced great works of art and built monuments as testimonies to their faith, vision and hopes. Now that they have come down to us, what are we to make of them? What are the stories and messages we can read in the paint and stones of these monuments? What mysteries do they reveal about the Christian faith? And what do they reveal about us, today?

These (and many more) are the kind of questions we’ll be asking in search of a deeper understanding of art, Christianity and Beauty

For several centuries, artists and entire communities have produced great works of art and built monuments as testimonies to their faith, vision and hopes. Now that they have come down to us, what are we to make of them? What are the stories and messages we can read in the paint and stones of these monuments? What mysteries do they reveal about the Christian faith? And what do they reveal about us, today?

These (and many more) are the kind of questions we’ll be asking in search of a deeper understanding of art, Christianity and Beauty

	"on this rock I shall build my church" #1 - from Constantine to the Triumph of Orthodoxy
"on this rock I shall build my church" #1 - from Constantine to the Triumph of Orthodoxy
Welcome back to "Art of the Word" In this episode, Dan Ruscu from Living Stones Cluj and Professor on late antiquity at the Babes-Bolyai University, took the time to meet up Giulia Privitelli, from Living Stones Malta, to explain how the story of Christianity continues to unfold throughout the middle ages until the turn of the first millennium.
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 3 years
"on this rock I shall build my church" #2 - Early Church History II
"on this rock I shall build my church" #2 - Early Church History II
Welcome back to the second part of the episode on early church history! In this episode Valentina Camarotta from Living Stones Rome meets up with Fr Christian Saenz SJ, who has a doctorate in Ecclesiastical History and teaches Church History and Latin at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach, to discuss the early church history of Christianity: from its beginning to the age of Constantine the Great in the 4th century.
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 3 years
"on this rock I shall build my church" #1 - Early Church History I
"on this rock I shall build my church" #1 - Early Church History I
Welcome to the first episode of the section on Church History. This is the first part (of two) in which Valentina Camarotta from Living Stones Rome meets up with Fr Christian Saenz SJ, who has a doctorate in Ecclesiastical History and teaches Church History and Latin at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach, to discuss the early church history of Christianity: from its beginning to the age of Constantine the Great in the 4th century.
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 3 years
BONUS: The Virgin Mary
BONUS: The Virgin Mary
In this special episode, Jesuit Fr Nicholas Steeves SJ meets up with Giulia Privitelli (LS Malta) to unpack some of the key features in Marian theology and dogma as embodied in the Church’s tradition, writings, imagery and devotional practices and beliefs.
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 3 years
"Now to you who believe, this stone is precious" #5: Holy Catholic Apostolic Church
"Now to you who believe, this stone is precious" #5: Holy Catholic Apostolic Church
Welcome back to new episode from the series focussing on the Apostle's Creed. In this episode, Michael Dinsmore from the Living Stones community of Chicago meets up with Professor Nina Heereman, assistant professor of Sacred Scripture at St Patrick’s seminary in California and one of the first acquaintances of Living Stones. In their discussion they unpack a part of the last section of the creed that deals with the Holy Catholic Church, or as stated in the Nicene Creed says: One, Holy, Catholic Apostolic Church.
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 3 years
"Now to you who believe, this stone is precious" #4: Holy Spirit
"Now to you who believe, this stone is precious" #4: Holy Spirit
Welcome back! In this episode, Jimena Moreno from the Living Stones community of Madrid meets up with Jesuit Fr Guido Ruta, to consider the third article of the creed on the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life…
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 3 years
"Now to you who believe, this stone is precious" #3: Jesus Christ
"Now to you who believe, this stone is precious" #3: Jesus Christ
And we're back with another episode on the series focussing on the Apostles' Creed. In this episode, Fr Jean Paul Hernandez and Fr Michael Debono catch up once again in Naples to continue unpacking the second article: “I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son Our Lord.”
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 3 years
"Now to you who believe, this stone is precious" #2: God, the Almighty Father
"Now to you who believe, this stone is precious" #2: God, the Almighty Father
Hello friends, and welcome back! In this episode, Megan Angell from Living Stones Chicago meets up with Fr Alberto Nunez, a Jesuit from Madrid and expert in biblical theology, to delve deeper into the first article of the Apostles’ creed: “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth.”
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 4 years
"Now to you who believe, this stone is precious" #1: Formation of the Creed
"Now to you who believe, this stone is precious" #1: Formation of the Creed
With this episode we kick off the series focusing on the Creed. Fr Michael Debono, a Maltese Jesuit based in Naples, meets up with Fr Jean Paul Hernandez, a Jesuit theologian and director of the Scuola di Alta Formazione di Arte e Teologia in Naples, to introduce the series, providing us with insights into the formation of the so-called Apostles Creed – the central profession of Christian belief.
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 4 years
In the beginning was the Word #5: What about the New Testament and History?
In the beginning was the Word #5: What about the New Testament and History?
Hi guys! In this last episode of our In the beginning was the Word series, Fr. Ricado and Carol deal with a series of topics that have to do with the earliest Church history. What can be said historically about Jesus and the first disciples? What other sources do we have? Also, what are the apocryphal writings? And what do they have to do with all of this?
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 4 years
In the beginning was the Word #4: What about the New Testament?
In the beginning was the Word #4: What about the New Testament?
We continue with our series on the Bible with Fr. Ricardo and Carol talking about the New Testament. What can we say about the Gospels? And about the Letters? Are there different traditions in the New Testament? These and other question in this second-to-last episode on the Bible.
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 4 years
In the beginning was the Word #3: What is the Old Testament?
In the beginning was the Word #3: What is the Old Testament?
Hi guys! Here we are once more with another episode of Art of the World. This time we travel to Spain with Fr. Ricardo Sanjurjo and Carol Buceta from the LS Community of Santiago de Compostela to tackle the big question about the first half of the Bible. What is the Old Testament? What can we say about it? Why is it different from the Hebrew Bible?
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 4 years
In the beginning was the Word #2: Is the Bible true?
In the beginning was the Word #2: Is the Bible true?
Is the Bible true? In what sense? Regina and Gudrun tackle another interesting (and for many, problematic) topic around the Book of Books.
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 4 years
In the beginning was the Word #1: What is the Bible?
In the beginning was the Word #1: What is the Bible?
What are the origins of arguably one of the most widely disseminated and translated books: the Holy Bible? How have ancient authors sought to transmit the story of God? 🤔 In this episode, we go back to basics: on exploring how the Bible came to be. Before we start looking, here we must first start by listening. After all, the visual and cultural heritage of Christianity is, first and foremost, founded on the Word of God. Dr Regina Frey meets up with Prof Gudrun Nassauer, asking the question: 'What is the Bible?'
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 4 years
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