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By Gabriel Series Fan Podcast Gabriel Series Fan Podcast
Gabriel Series Fan Podcast
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Gabriel Series Fan Podcast


Welcome to the Gabriel Series Fan Podcast. A place where you can chat about the Gabriel Series written by Sylvain Reynard. You can listen us live in Mixrl: http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ , weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP. We are two twitter friends and fans of The Gabriel Series Books, doing this just for fun. Hi from USA and VENEZUELA!!!...

Welcome to the Gabriel Series Fan Podcast. A place where you can chat about the Gabriel Series written by Sylvain Reynard. You can listen us live in Mixrl: http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ , weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP. We are two twitter friends and fans of The Gabriel Series Books, doing this just for fun. Hi from USA and VENEZUELA!!!...

GSFP 5th Anniversary Party
GSFP 5th Anniversary Party
We’re celebrating our 5th Anniversary Party with our special guest the Snarky Narrator and a special message from Sylvain Reynard. The Gabriel Series Fan Podcast, currently reading Gabriel’s Rapture written by Sylvain Reynard. You can listen to us live in http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP.
Art and literature 4 years
Part 1 of Chapter 5 of Gabriel’s Redemption - Part 2
Part 1 of Chapter 5 of Gabriel’s Redemption - Part 2
We are discussing Part 1 of Chapter 5 of Gabriel's Redemption written by Sylvain Reynard with our special guest Lily Torroes. You can listen to us live in http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP.
Art and literature 6 years
Part 1 of Chapter 5 of Gabriel’s Redemption - Part 1
Part 1 of Chapter 5 of Gabriel’s Redemption - Part 1
We are discussing Part 1 of Chapter 5 of Gabriel's Redemption written by Sylvain Reynard with our special guest Lily Torroes. You can listen to us live in http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP.
Art and literature 6 years
Happy 42nd BDay Gabriel.
Happy 42nd BDay Gabriel.
We celebrated Gabriel’s 42nd BDay with our special guest Karen, Sylvain Reynard and Gabriel. The Gabriel Series Fan Podcast, currently reading Gabriel’s Rapture written by Sylvain Reynard. You can listen to us live in http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP.
Art and literature 6 years
Chapter 4 of Gabriel's Redemption - Part 2
Chapter 4 of Gabriel's Redemption - Part 2
We are discussing Chapter 4 of Gabriel's Redemption written by Sylvain Reynard with our special guest Renata of @SRFansBrazil. You can listen to us live in http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP.
Art and literature 6 years
Chapter 4 of Gabriel's Redemption - Part 1
Chapter 4 of Gabriel's Redemption - Part 1
We are discussing Chapter 4 of Gabriel's Redemption written by Sylvain Reynard with our special guest Renata of @SRFansBrazil. You can listen to us live in http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP.
Art and literature 6 years
Part 2 of Chapter 3 of Gabriel's Redemption - Part 2
Part 2 of Chapter 3 of Gabriel's Redemption - Part 2
We are discussing Part 2 of Chapter 3 of Gabriel's Redemption written by Sylvain Reynard with our special guest Pam cohost of TMitBSFP. You can listen to us live in http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP.
Art and literature 6 years
Part 2 of Chapter 3 of Gabriel's Redemption - Part 1
Part 2 of Chapter 3 of Gabriel's Redemption - Part 1
We are discussing Part 2 of Chapter 3 of Gabriel's Redemption written by Sylvain Reynard with our special guest Pam cohost of TMitBSFP. You can listen to us live in http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP.
Art and literature 6 years
Part 1 of Chapter 3 of Gabriel's Redemption - Part 2
Part 1 of Chapter 3 of Gabriel's Redemption - Part 2
We are discussing Part 1 of Chapter 3 of Gabriel's Redemption written by Sylvain Reynard with our special guest Morgan and Jennifer Locklear. You can listen to us live in http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP.
Art and literature 6 years
Part 1 of Chapter 3 of Gabriel's Redemption - Part 1
Part 1 of Chapter 3 of Gabriel's Redemption - Part 1
We are discussing Part 1 of Chapter 3 of Gabriel's Redemption written by Sylvain Reynard with our special guest Morgan and Jennifer Locklear. You can listen to us live in http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP.
Art and literature 6 years
GSFP: SR Appreciation Party.
GSFP: SR Appreciation Party.
We celebrated SR's Appreciation Party with Pam (Co host of TMitBS Fan Podcast). The Gabriel Series Fan Podcast, currently reading Gabriel’s Rapture written by Sylvain Reynard. You can listen to us live in http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP.
Art and literature 6 years
Chapter 2 of Gabriel's Redemption - Part 2
Chapter 2 of Gabriel's Redemption - Part 2
We are discussing Chapter 2 of Gabriel's Redemption written by Sylvain Reynard. You can listen to us live in http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP.
Art and literature 6 years
Chapter 2 of Gabriel's Redemption - Part 1
Chapter 2 of Gabriel's Redemption - Part 1
We are discussing Chapter 2 of Gabriel's Redemption written by Sylvain Reynard. You can listen to us live in http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP.
Art and literature 6 years
GSFP: 3rd Anniversary Party
GSFP: 3rd Anniversary Party
We celebrated the 3rd Anniversary of the GSFP. The Gabriel Series Fan Podcast, currently reading Gabriel’s Redemption written by Sylvain Reynard. You can listen to us live in http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP.
Art and literature 6 years
Prologue and Chapter 1 of Gabriel's Redemption - Part 2
Prologue and Chapter 1 of Gabriel's Redemption - Part 2
We are discussing Prologue and Chapter 1 of Gabriel's Redemption written by Sylvain Reynard. You can listen to us live in http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP.
Art and literature 6 years
Prologue and Chapter 1 of Gabriel's Redemption - Part 1
Prologue and Chapter 1 of Gabriel's Redemption - Part 1
We are discussing Prologue and Chapter 1 of Gabriel's Redemption written by Sylvain Reynard. You can listen to us live in http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP.
Art and literature 6 years
GSFP: Valentine’s Day Party 2018.
GSFP: Valentine’s Day Party 2018.
We celebrated Valentine’s Day and read “ The Body Painting Outtake from “Gabriel’s Redemption”’. The Gabriel Series Fan Podcast, currently reading Gabriel’s Rapture and about to read Gabriel’s Redemption written by Sylvain Reynard. You can listen to us live in http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP.
Art and literature 6 years
GSFP: Gabriel's Rapture Wrap Party Part 2.
GSFP: Gabriel's Rapture Wrap Party Part 2.
We discussed our favorite quotes, scenes and characters from "Gabriel's Rapture" by Sylvain Reynard. The Gabriel Series Fan Podcast, will soon start reading "Gabriel’s Redemption" written by Sylvain Reynard. You can listen to us live in http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP.
Art and literature 7 years
GSFP: Gabriel's Rapture Wrap Party Part 1.
GSFP: Gabriel's Rapture Wrap Party Part 1.
We discussed our favorite quotes, scenes and characters from "Gabriel's Rapture" by Sylvain Reynard. The Gabriel Series Fan Podcast, will soon start reading "Gabriel’s Redemption" written by Sylvain Reynard. You can listen to us live in http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP.
Art and literature 7 years
GSFP: "TMITBS" with Sylvain Reynard.
GSFP: "TMITBS" with Sylvain Reynard.
We discussed "The Man In The Black Suit" with the Boss, Sylvain Reynard. The Gabriel Series Fan Podcast, currently reading Gabriel’s Rapture written by Sylvain Reynard. You can listen to us live in http://mixlr.com/gabriel-series-fan-podcast/ weekly and for more information you can follow us in Twitter: @GabrielSeriesFP.
Art and literature 7 years
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