In Episode 20 of the Narcissistic Abuse Rehab Podcast, we explore the topic ‘How Family Court Enabled The Coercive Control of Catherine Kassenoff,’ in an exclusive interview with renowned journalist and divorce coach, Amy Polacko.
Catherine alleged that she suffered years of punishing post-separation abuse from her ex-spouse, Allan Kassenoff. We analyze how biases in the family court system allegedly allowed Allan to use a psychological theory that has been discredited and debunked by the American Bar Association, the American Psychology Association, and the UN to gain sole custody and wage an endless campaign of psychological terror that ended in tragedy. #IAmCatherineKassenoff
- Catherine Kassenoff's story
- Post-separation abuse
- Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)
- The patholigization of women in the family court system
- DARVO: Definition + Mechanics
- Vexatious litigation
- The Privilege of Rage
- Case Studies: Tina Turner, Amber Heard, Angelina Jolie
- The commodification of child custody disputes
- Meta-patriarchal violence
- Jennifer's Law
- The link between PTSD and Depression Comorbidity and Female Mortality
- Child mortality in child custody disputes
- Coercive control + femicide
- UN Special Rapporteur Reem Alsalem’s Statement
- Amy Polacko’s Official Website -
- Wakefield, M (2023, February 18). ‘PTSD + Depression Comorbidity Increase Risk of Mortality In Women.’
- Harvey, Robbie. ‘Allen Kassenoff’s Custody Evaluator Has Spoken.’
- Statement by Reem Alsalem, Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women + Girls, Its Causes, and Consequences, 53rd session of the Human Rights Council. June 22, 2023.
-United Nations (2023, June 23) ‘Urgent reform needed to shield women and children from violence during custody battles. UN News.’
- Polacko, A. (2021, December 14) ‘Empty Home for the Holidays: Mothers Who Can’t See Their Children Blame Broken Family Court System.’ Ms.
- Polacko, A. (2023, June 5) ‘Remembering Catherine Kassenoff and Continuing the Fight for Fair U.S. Child Custody Outcomes.’ Ms.
- Polacko, A. (2023, June 12) ‘Allan Kassenoff Resigns After Public Outcry Over Wife Catherine’s Apparent Suicide.’ Ms. Magazine.
- Thomas R.M. and Richardson, J.T. (2015, July 1) 'Parental Alienation Syndrome: 30 Years On and Still Junk Science.' The American Bar Association.
- Wakefield, M. (2023, January 27) ‘Why Is Parental Alienation Syndrome So Controversial?’
- Alltucker, K.(2023, July 17) ‘A child dies every 6 days amid custody fights, family court lapses. Advocates want change.’
- Syal, Rajeev. (2022, June 2) ‘Why did the Depp-Heard libel outcomes differ in the US and the UK.’ The Guardian.
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