PHANTOM Podcast Network
Weaving in and out of your conscious like a bad dream you can’t wake from....This is the Nightmare Junkhead podast!
Join Greg D and Jenius McGee (Nerds of Nostalgia) as they take a weekly look into horror with reviews, news and interviews. Listen on Soundcloud, iTunes or BoomHowdy.com or check out one of our live events!
Proud member of The Boom Howdy Podcast Network!
#horror #storytelling #paranormal
Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes, Soundcloud, Google Play and TuneIn Radio
Weaving in and out of your conscious like a bad dream you can’t wake from....This is the Nightmare Junkhead podast!
Join Greg D and Jenius McGee (Nerds of Nostalgia) as they take a weekly look into horror with reviews, news and interviews. Listen on Soundcloud, iTunes or BoomHowdy.com or check out one of our live events!
Proud member of The Boom Howdy Podcast Network!
#horror #storytelling #paranormal
Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes, Soundcloud, Google Play and TuneIn Radio