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By Thomas Project Mankind
Project Mankind

Project Mankind


Project Mankind is a men’s discipleship ministry that focuses on aligning men's ideologies, spirituality, and principles with God's Truth through Biblical Principles and the Love for Jesus (The Word). We discuss topics that are relative in today's society; topics on family values, sex, politics and religion. We speak on issues that men often struggle with daily, but may have difficulties sharing, and expressing their emotions. Issues such as addictions, sins, personal struggles, family matters, money, dating, relationships, divorce, bondage, dealing with hurts and pains from our past and many more. We give practical advice in these areas through personal stories and testimonies. We help disciple one another as Jesus commanded in Matthew 28, and empower men to find their identity in Christ once again, as citizen's of God's kingdom, and discover their purpose as leaders with Kingdom authority.

Project Mankind is a men’s discipleship ministry that focuses on aligning men's ideologies, spirituality, and principles with God's Truth through Biblical Principles and the Love for Jesus (The Word). We discuss topics that are relative in today's society; topics on family values, sex, politics and religion. We speak on issues that men often struggle with daily, but may have difficulties sharing, and expressing their emotions. Issues such as addictions, sins, personal struggles, family matters, money, dating, relationships, divorce, bondage, dealing with hurts and pains from our past and many more. We give practical advice in these areas through personal stories and testimonies. We help disciple one another as Jesus commanded in Matthew 28, and empower men to find their identity in Christ once again, as citizen's of God's kingdom, and discover their purpose as leaders with Kingdom authority.

Part 2 of The "Dark Night" Of the Soul (When God Finally Speaks)
Part 2 of The "Dark Night" Of the Soul (When God Finally Speaks)
What happens when God finally speaks again. Are we able to perceive his voice, and do what God is telling us to do? Can we discern in our spirits where our soul is able to understand what His spirit is speaking to us?    In our previous episode we discussed the events when God seems silent in our lives. Even the chosen people of Yahweh (Jewish People) have experienced many years, over 400 years of not hearing from God. Often we ask, Has God forsaken us, Is this God's way of punishment, or is this a time of growth and reliance in God? Join podcast host Thomas Jusayan, and co-host and author, and counselor Dr. Jim Slaughter in their conversation with evangelist, teacher and author John Stolwyk as we discussed the "Dark Ages" and the lives of Christian reformers and mystics such as the likes of St. John of the Cross, Martin Luther and others whose faith were tested, and went through trials during their dark days.   The famous poem The Dark Night of the Soul (La noche oscura del alma) is a phase of passive purification of the spirit in the mystical development, as described by the 16th-century Spanish mystic and poet St. John of the Cross in his treatise Dark Night (Noche Oscura), a commentary on his poem with the same name. It follows after the second phase, the illumination in which God's presence is felt, but this presence is not yet stable.  Be sure to like and subscribe to our Youtube Channel and other social media pages. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel @ProjectMankindPodcast https://www.facebook.com/projectmankindministries https://instagram.com/project_man_kind https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMankindPodcast or Visit Our website at: https://www.projectmankindministries.com/
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 9 months
The "Dark Night" Of the Soul - Part 1
The "Dark Night" Of the Soul - Part 1
What happens when God becomes silent? Many people including believers who pray to Jesus The Christ, and The God (Yahweh) have experienced seasons in their lives of silence. This is often referred to as the "Dark Night" of the Soul.  Even the chosen people of Yahweh (Jewish People) have experienced many years, over 400 years of not hearing from God. Often we ask, Has God forsaken us, Is this God's way of punishment, or is this a time of growth and reliance in God?  Join us today, Thomas Jusayan, and co-host and author, and Christian counselor Dr. Jim Slaughter in their conversation with evangelist, teacher and author John Stolwyk as we dissect several scriptures including the famous scripture in Mark 15:34 " And at the ninth hour, Jesus shouted in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" which is translated, "My God, my God, for what have you forsaken me?"   Other scriptural references: Psalms 22 Psalms 23 Luke 15 John  Stolwyk  is a good friend of the ministry, he is an evangelist, teacher, and author of the book called  Inward Embrace of Grace (the Inner Dynamics of Grace from a New Covenant Perspective) (Title link to book) Be sure to like and subscribe to our Youtube Channel and other social media pages. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel @ProjectMankindPodcast https://www.facebook.com/projectmankindministries https://instagram.com/project_man_kind https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMankindPodcast or Visit Our website at: https://www.projectmankindministries.com/
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 10 months
"Grace" Is Not The Girl Next Door - Part 2
"Grace" Is Not The Girl Next Door - Part 2
In this second part of our interview with guest and co host John Stolwyk, we discussed in depth of God's grace versus being saved by our own works, true sanctification, God "killing us" to be one with Him, our morality, faith and repentance. Favorite quote "Jesus didn't just die For Us, but He died As Us." 2 Corinthians 5:21 Also see links to other video referenced in the segment: Youtube interview with Howard Pittman   John is a good friend of the ministry, he is an evangelist, teacher, and author of the book called Inward Embrace of Grace (the Inner Dynamics of Grace from a New Covenant Perspective) Join host Thomas Jusayan, and co-host and author, and Christian counselor Dr. Jim Slaughter in their conversation with John Stolwyk as he shares his journey during the start of his conversion, and how the holy spirit transformed and renewed his mind that separated him from religious Christianity, to a true relationship with The Father through His Grace in Jesus Christ. This transformation, and revelation of The powerful Grace of God that leads us to repentance is what launched his ministry, and a start of a new life in Christ. Brief Bio on John Stolwyk: John has four years of biblical studies in both the Old and New Testament, including Greek and Hebrew. He holds a degree from Davis Bible College in Johnson City, New York, and an engineering degree (cum laude) from Broome Community College. Along with his forty-five years of self-study, John has proven his insatiable desire for the truth of God's Word. John also teaches on a regular basis at Power Based Living in Southlake, Texas, and on his podcast ministry available on Podbean called  Eminent Grace for Daily Living  Be sure to like and subscribe to our Youtube Channel and other social media pages. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel @ProjectMankindPodcast https://www.facebook.com/projectmankindministries https://instagram.com/project_man_kind https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMankindPodcast or Visit Our website at: https://www.projectmankindministries.com/
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 10 months
"Grace" Is Not The Girl Next Door - Part 1
"Grace" Is Not The Girl Next Door - Part 1
In today's episode we have a guest co host (John Stolwyk). John is a good friend of the ministry, he is an evangelist, teacher, and author of the book called Inward Embrace of Grace (the Inner Dynamics of Grace from a New Covenant Perspective) Join host Thomas Jusayan, and co-host and author, and Christian counselor Dr. Jim Slaughter in their conversation with John Stolwyk as he shares his journey during the start of his conversion, and how the holy spirit transformed and renewed his mind that separated him from religious Christianity, to a true relationship with The Father through His Grace in Jesus Christ. This transformation, and revelation of The powerful Grace of God that leads us to repentance is what launched his ministry, and a start of a new life in Christ. Brief Bio on John Stolwyk: John has four years of biblical studies in both the Old and New Testament, including Greek and Hebrew. He holds a degree from Davis Bible College in Johnson City, New York, and an engineering degree (cum laude) from Broome Community College. Along with his forty-five years of self-study, John has proven his insatiable desire for the truth of God's Word. John also teaches on a regular basis at Power Based Living in Southlake, Texas, and on his podcast ministry available on Podbean called  Eminent Grace for Daily Living  Be sure to like and subscribe to our social media pages. https://www.facebook.com/projectmankindministries https://instagram.com/project_man_kind https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMankindPodcast or Visit Our website at: https://www.projectmankindministries.com/
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 11 months
Knowing The Heart of The Master Part 2
Knowing The Heart of The Master Part 2
In these episodes we interviewed a good friend, ministry partner, leader and  founder of Deeploveministries.org, and founder of Bestbodiesforlife.com, Raul Andres Garcia. He shares his journey as 26 years old, CEO, and ministry founder of how the word of God through someone who prayed over him at a church service changed his life forever. Join host Thomas Jusayan, and author, and Christian counselor Dr. Jim Slaughter in their conversation with Raul on how this young man became a believer and an obsessed disciple of Jesus Christ after a traumatic childhood experience that turned his believe of God into becoming an atheists'. He shares his story on how he was redeemed and delivered through his experience and unbelief to becoming a child of God. Brief Bio on Raul Andres Garcia: His organization deep love ministry provides and serves the communities of Fort Worth, and Houston in providing for the unsheltered that requires basic necessities, prayers, and support from the kingdom community. Through this ministry hundreds of people are lead to Jesus, baptized, and shown love just as it is written in Matthew 25:40 every week through the love Christ shared through other believers and volunteers.  Raul Garcia's company Best Bodies For Life is a meal replacement shake supplement that is available on all central market stores, HEB, Jewel Osco, and many more. Check out his amazing weight loss journey and personal story on his website at https://bestbodiesforlife.com/   Project Mankind Podcast focuses on bridging the gap through discipleship, and aligning our ideologies and principles based on God's ideas and biblical principles. Be sure to like and subscribe to our social media pages. https://www.facebook.com/projectmankindministries https://instagram.com/project_man_kind https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMankindPodcast or Visit Our website at: https://www.projectmankindministries.com/
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 1 year
Welcome To Project Mankind Podcast
Welcome To Project Mankind Podcast
Project Mankind Podcast is a men's discipleship ministry that focuses on aligning men's ideologies, spirituality, and principles with God's Truth through Biblical Principles and the Love for Jesus (The Word). We discuss topics that are relative in today's society; topics on family values, sex, politics and religion. We speak on issues that men often struggle with daily, but may have difficulties sharing, and expressing their emotions. Issues such as addictions, sins, personal struggles, family matters, money, dating, relationships, divorce, bondage, dealing with hurts and pains from our past and many more. We give practical advice in these areas through personal stories and testimonies. We help disciple one another as Jesus commanded in Matthew 28, and empower men to find their identity in Christ once again, as citizens of God's kingdom, and discover their purpose as leaders with Kingdom authority. Be sure to like and subscribe to our social media pages. https://www.facebook.com/projectmankindministries https://instagram.com/project_man_kind https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMankindPodcast or Visit Our website at: https://www.projectmankindministries.com/
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 1 year
Knowing The Heart of The Master Part 1
Knowing The Heart of The Master Part 1
In this episode we interviewed a good friend, ministry partner, leader and  founder of Deeploveminitries.org, and founder of Bestbodiesforlife.com, Raul Andres Garcia. His organization deep love ministry provides and serves the communities of Fort Worth, and Houston in providing for the unsheltered that requires basic necessities, prayers, and support from the kingdom community. Through this ministry hundreds of people are lead to Jesus, baptized, and shown love just as it is written in Matthew 25:40 every week through the love Christ shared through other believers and volunteers.  His company Best Bodies For Life is a meal replacement shake supplement that is available on all central market stores, HEB, Jewel Osco, and many more. Check out his amazing weight loss journey and personal story on his website at https://bestbodiesforlife.com/ Join host Thomas Jusayan, and author, and Christian counselor Dr. Jim Slaughter in their conversation with Raul on how he became a believer and an obsessed disciple  Christ after a horrific childhood experience that turned a catholic into an atheists', and now a redeemed Child of God.    Project Mankind Podcast focuses on bridging the gap through discipleship, and aligning our ideologies and principles based on God's ideas and biblical principles. Through this podcast we hope to empower each other to know our calling, and discover our purpose as citizens of the kingdom of Heaven, and children of God. To know more about our ministry, visit us at www.projectmankindministries.com
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 1 year
Experiencing the Love of God - Part 2: Through Humanity (Cont'd)
Experiencing the Love of God - Part 2: Through Humanity (Cont'd)
We all want to experience love in some way. We are all wired to give and receive love. But what is love? How would it feel if we experience love from the creator of love Himself? How can we experience the love of God if we don’t know the creator of love himself?  The apostle John wrote In 1 John 4:7-8 - Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love In this episode we talk about how it feels to co-labor with God, and how we personally experienced the love of our Father in Heaven through our decisions, obedience, and through kindness, and actions of others.  Join host Thomas Jusayan, and counselor, author, and Christian counselor Dr. Jim Slaughter in their conversation on how valuable each of us are to God, and how God chose to partner with us to be the light and show love to one another.     Project Mankind Podcast focuses on bridging the gap through discipleship, and aligning our ideologies and principles based on God's ideas and biblical principles. Through this podcast we hope to empower each other to know our calling, and discover our purpose as citizens of the kingdom of Heaven. Follow us on our social media: @project_man_kind https://www.facebook.com/projectmankindministries To be a guest, prayers or for more questions email us at askprojectmankind@gmail.com
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 1 year
Experiencing The Love of God
Experiencing The Love of God
We all want to experience love in some way. We are all wired to give and receive love. But what is love? How would it feel if we experience love from the creator of love Himself? How can we experience the love of God if we don’t know the creator of love himself?  The apostle John wrote In 1 John 4:7-8 - Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love In this episode we talk about how it feels to co-labor with God, and how we personally experienced the love of our Father in Heaven through our decisions, obedience, and through kindness, and actions of others.  Join host Thomas Jusayan, and counselor, author, and Christian counselor Dr. Jim Slaughter in their conversation on how valuable each of us are to God, and how God chose to partner with us to be the light and show love to one another.     Project Mankind Podcast focuses on bridging the gap through discipleship, and aligning our ideologies and principles based on God's ideas and biblical principles. Through this podcast we hope to empower each other to discover our calling in Christ Jesus and discover our purpose as citizens and sons of the kingdom of Heaven.    Additional Resources To order your handbook or ebook Master the Anger Within by Dr. Jim Slaughter go to www.dpztechnology.com Follow us on social media @project_man_kind     If you are interested in being a guest host, or for prayers, and questions email us at askprojectmankind@gmail.com Through this podcast we hope to empower each other to know our calling, and discover our purpose as citizens of the kingdom of Heaven. Follow us on our social media: @project_man_kind https://www.facebook.com/projectmankindministries To be a guest, prayers or for more questions email us at askprojectmankind@gmail.com
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 1 year
A Life for a Life - (You are worth it to God)
A Life for a Life - (You are worth it to God)
Many of us ask the questions in our lifetime, how much is our life worth? If someone offers you a million dollars for your life would you take it? Does God really care about me even though I am a sinner? Are you willing to die for a stranger? In Genesis 2:15-17 Moses wrote: The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” Paul wrote in Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. This statement made by Paul gives us clarity that sinning is a gamble that has a price. and that there is a ransom required in order to pay up a debt or it will result in death. A price must be paid for mistakes made against God, but to have hope for our life through Christ is eternal. In this episode we will discuss the cost of our sins, and what price is paid for your life. We will explain why it is so important to God to redeem us, and we need to know that our lives are not our own, it is bought and paid for us to live. For our sake, an extreme sacrifice had to be made, a life for a life.  Through this podcast we hope to empower each other to know our calling, and discover our purpose as citizens of the kingdom of Heaven. Follow us on our social media: @project_man_kind https://www.facebook.com/projectmankindministries To be a guest, prayers or for more questions email us at askprojectmankind@gmail.com
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 2 years
If God forgave me then why do I still have to pay for it ?
If God forgave me then why do I still have to pay for it ?
The apostle Paul once wrote to the Jews who are followers of Christ in Rome in Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Paul is emphasizing that no one is righteous, and that everyone has sinned against God. But what happens when we sin? Are there consequences to face when we sin? Why do we still suffer if God has forgiven us for our sins? Paul also wrote in reminder for the consequences of sin in Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” This statement that Paul wrote tells us that there is a price, and there are consequences for sinning. In Genesis 2, God warned Adam that if they eat of the tree of good and evil, they will surely die. This statement that God told the first mankind that there’s a consequence for their action if they disobey. But is God commanding them not to eat because He is an angry God who wants to control them? Is it for their good, and to protect them from something that they don’t truly understand?   Join Host Thomas Jusayan, and counselor, author, and life coach Dr. Jim Slaughter in their conversation as they help you understand how to face the consequences of sins, and how God’s grace and mercy was there from the beginning, and always finding provision to show His mercy.  Through this podcast we hope to empower each other to know our calling, and discover our purpose as citizens of the kingdom of Heaven. Follow us on our social media: @project_man_kind https://www.facebook.com/projectmankindministries To be a guest, prayers or for more questions email us at askprojectmankind@gmail.com
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 2 years
It's Not Your Fault - When family history seems to repeat itself
It's Not Your Fault - When family history seems to repeat itself
Have you ever wondered why you struggle breaking a habit, or can’t seem to make progress, and shake off the "black cloud" looming over your life or your family's life? In the story of Abraham and his son Isaac, and his sons Jacob and Esau, history seems to repeat itself.   Join Host Thomas Jusayan, and counselor, author, and life coach Dr. Jim Slaughter in their conversation about generational curses, impact of the sins that your father or forefather has done in the past that has followed you, and how to break the cycle of generational curses.  Through this podcast we hope to empower each other to know our calling, and discover our purpose as citizens of the kingdom of Heaven. Follow us on our social media: @project_man_kind https://www.facebook.com/projectmankindministries To be a guest, prayers or for more questions email us at askprojectmankind@gmail.com
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 2 years
It's Not Your Fault - Sins of Your Father (Why am I being punished for the sins my father did?)
It's Not Your Fault - Sins of Your Father (Why am I being punished for the sins my father did?)
Exodus 20:5, and Deuteronomy 5:8-9 tells us "You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me," Why would a loving God punish those children from the 3rd and 4th generation from the sins and iniquities of their fathers?  Have you ever wondered how the sin of your father impacted you today? Do you ever think why you struggle breaking a habit, or can’t seem to make progress in your career, relationships, business, or simply just be content? We will be discussing generational curses, family issues that seems to repeat itself, patterns of behavior that can't seem to break away from a "black cloud" looming over your life or your family's life such as addictions, poverty, sickness, divorce, anger issues, fear, and resentment.  In this episode we will discuss some examples on how we overcome the sins of our fathers, and generational curses. We will be using some biblical examples, and the story of Abraham and his son Isaac, and his sons Jacob and Esau. As history seems to repeat itself, and deception and lies seems to be a historical theme among the family of Abraham. (Genesis 12, Genesis 26)   Join Host Thomas Jusayan, and counselor, author, and life coach Dr. Jim Slaughter in their conversation about generational curses, father wounds, and the impact of the sins that your father or forefather has done in the past that has followed you, and how to break the cycle of generational behavioral patterns and curses.  Additional Reference:  Author and Speaker Bob Reccord with Total Life Ministries, and Author of the book Ending the Cycle of Father Wounds See Website at: https://www.tliministries.com/ending-the-cycle-of-father-wounds/ Through this podcast we hope to empower each other to know our calling, and discover our purpose as citizens of the kingdom of Heaven. Follow us on our social media: @project_man_kind https://www.facebook.com/projectmankindministries To be a guest, prayers or for more questions email us at askprojectmankind@gmail.com
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 2 years
It's Not Your Fault - Sins of Your Father (Are you your father's son?)
It's Not Your Fault - Sins of Your Father (Are you your father's son?)
Have you ever wondered how the sin of your father impacted you today? Do you ever think why you struggle breaking a habit, or can’t seem to make progress in your career, relationships, business, or simply just be content? We will be discussing generational curses, family issues that seems to repeat itself, patterns of behavior that can't seem to break away from a "black cloud" looming over your life or your family's life such as addictions, poverty, sickness, divorce, anger issues, fear, and resentment.  In this episode we will discuss some examples on how we overcome the sins of our fathers, generational curses. We will be using some biblical examples, and the story of Abraham and his son Isaac, and his sons Jacob and Esau. As history seems to repeat itself, and deception and lies seems to be a historical theme among the family of Abraham. (Genesis 12, Genesis 26)   Join Host Thomas Jusayan, and counselor, author, and life coach Dr. Jim Slaughter in their conversation about generational curses, father wounds, and the impact of the sins that your father or forefather has done in the past that has followed you, and how to break the cycle of generational behavioral patterns and curses.  Additional Reference:  Author and Speaker Bob Reccord with Total Life Ministries, and Author of the book Ending the Cycle of Father Wounds See Website at: https://www.tliministries.com/ending-the-cycle-of-father-wounds/ Through this podcast we hope to empower each other to know our calling, and discover our purpose as citizens of the kingdom of Heaven. Follow us on our social media: @project_man_kind https://www.facebook.com/projectmankindministries To be a guest, prayers or for more questions email us at askprojectmankind@gmail.com
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 2 years
The Cost & Consequences of Our Sins
The Cost & Consequences of Our Sins
The apostle Paul once wrote to the Jews who are followers of Christ in Rome in Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Paul is emphasizing that no one is righteous, and that everyone has sinned against God. But what happens when we sin? Are there consequences to face when we sin? Paul also wrote in reminder for the consequences of sin in Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” This statement that Paul wrote tells us that there is a price, and there are consequences for sinning. In Genesis 2, God warned Adam that if they eat of the tree of good and evil, they will surely die. This statement that God told the first mankind that there’s a consequence for their action if they disobey. But is God commanding them not to eat because He is an angry God who wants to control them? Is it for their good, and to protect them from something that they don’t truly understand?   Join Host Thomas Jusayan, and Dr. of Theology, counselor, and life coach Jim Slaughter in their conversation as they help you understand how to face the consequences of sins, and how God’s grace and mercy was there from the beginning, and always finding provision to show His mercy.     Project Mankind Podcast focuses on bridging the gap through discipleship, and aligning our ideologies and principles based on God's ideas and biblical principles.    Through this podcast we hope to empower each other to know our calling, and discover our purpose as citizens of the kingdom of Heaven.    For more information on future episodes, events, and daily life motivations follow us on social media @project_man_kind    To be a guest, or for more questions email us at askprojectmankind@gmail.com
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 2 years
The Power of Forgiveness
The Power of Forgiveness
Many know about what forgiveness and the concept of forgiveness is. But do we really know what forgiveness really is, and use the power that it possesses? This simple but often difficult action that we take is so powerful that it is the only way that we can be heard by God.  Forgiveness is mentioned over 200 times in the bible. But what does this imply that we should do with this powerful tool that Jesus Christ and many disciples, especially by the apostle Paul often talked about in his writings. It is often that we have a hard time with forgiving or receiving forgiveness from others, especially self-forgiveness and accepting God's grace.  Mathew 18:21-22 (Jesus’ speaking) Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times." Let us help you understand what forgiveness is all about, and why understanding grace, and accepting God's grace is important with our walk, and building a relationship with God. Our Podcast focuses on bridging the gap through discipleship, and aligning our ideologies and principles based on God's ideas and biblical principles. Through this podcast we hope to empower each other to know our calling, and discover our purpose as citizens of the kingdom of Heaven. For more information on future episodes, events, and daily life motivations follow us on social media @project_man_kind     For questions email us at askprojectmankind@gmail.com
Faith, Philosophy and Spirituality 2 years
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