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By Academia de Fotógrafos Science in Astrophotography
Science in Astrophotography

Science in Astrophotography


If you have ever wondered why galaxies, nebulae, etc. have the shapes and colours that the all the astrophotos show. And if you have always wanted to venture into the world of astrophotography to photograph those objects yourself. Then, this is your podcast! Here we will talk, in a clear and easy way, about the science behind all those images taken with the big telescopes. This will helps us planning better our astrophotography sessions and get the maximum out of our astrophotography sessions. We will also talk about the equipment needed to enter the world of landscape and deep field astrophotography, processing techniques and workflows. Would you come with me to this amazing journey around the cosmos?

If you have ever wondered why galaxies, nebulae, etc. have the shapes and colours that the all the astrophotos show. And if you have always wanted to venture into the world of astrophotography to photograph those objects yourself. Then, this is your podcast! Here we will talk, in a clear and easy way, about the science behind all those images taken with the big telescopes. This will helps us planning better our astrophotography sessions and get the maximum out of our astrophotography sessions. We will also talk about the equipment needed to enter the world of landscape and deep field astrophotography, processing techniques and workflows. Would you come with me to this amazing journey around the cosmos?

The June night sky
The June night sky
June is here and with it new astronomical events and new night sky objects to photograph. This episode not covers the description of the main events and also it gives you some interesting facts about them from a scientific point of view. Don’t miss it! Instagram image mentioned: https://www.instagram.com/p/BvMzMDLnUnn/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link You can find me in: Website: http://skywonders.ie Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmarcarr Instagram: http://instagram.com/skywonders_ie Facebook: http://facebook.com/skywondersie
Hobbies and gastronomy 5 years
Playing detective with the Universe
Playing detective with the Universe
Imagine that you are a detective who suddenly hears a gunshot. However, you can not walk to the area from which the noise came to see exactly what just happened, how would you solve the case? With this premise today I start talking about the process that we have been following to disclose and understand the physics of the super interesting gamma ray bursts. At the end of the episode I also solve some of the questions that you have sent me during this week. Link to episode on light pollution filters: https://podcasts.fotografonocturno.com/13-astrofotografia-con-filtros-de-contaminacion-luminica/ You can find me in: Website: http://skywonders.ie Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmarcarr Instagram: http://instagram.com/skywonders_ie Facebook: http://facebook.com/skywondersie
Hobbies and gastronomy 5 years
Guide to choose a telescope
Guide to choose a telescope
This week’s episode is aimed at those who are interested in buying your first telescope or upgrading to a bigger one. I explain the pros and cons of each of the types of telescopes, their prices, their problems… And of course, I also mention the mounts that we need to be able to do astrophotography. During the episode I mention some brands that I feel I can trust when choosing a telescope. These are: Skywatcher, Celestron, Meade, Orion, Vixen, Explore Scientific, William Optics, TS and Takahashi. You can find me in: Website: http://skywonders.ie Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmarcarr Instagram: http://instagram.com/skywonders_ie Facebook: http://facebook.com/skywondersie
Hobbies and gastronomy 5 years
My workflow to photograph deep sky objects
My workflow to photograph deep sky objects
Galaxies and nebulae require long exposure times and need large amounts of images. This week I talk in detail about my workflow to make observe deep sky objects either with DSLRs and lenses or with more advanced tools such as telescopes and dedicated cameras. From the planning, to processing, I reveal all the steps and steps needed to get the final image that we were always wanting. You can find me in: Website: http://skywonders.ie Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmarcarr Instagram: http://instagram.com/skywonders_ie Facebook: http://facebook.com/skywondersie
Hobbies and gastronomy 5 years
The May night sky
The May night sky
The night sky in May bring us a lot of different options for both north and Southern hemispheres. In particular, this month we will be able to observe the Eta Aquarids meteor shower, the best meteor shower of 2019. It is also a fantastic month to photography deep sky objects in the are of the Milky Way and to photograph Jupiter in all its power. Learn on this episode the tricks to successfully photograph all these sources as well as other interest ones visible during this next month. You can find me in: Website: http://skywonders.ie Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmarcarr Instagram: http://instagram.com/skywonders_ie Facebook: http://facebook.com/skywondersie
Hobbies and gastronomy 5 years
Apps for capturing images
Apps for capturing images
In this week’s episode I describe a large list of software options for capturing your astrophotography images that work with CCDs, CMOS and DSLRs. The apps mentioned are: PHD2: https://openphdguiding.org AstroGuider: http://www.cloudmakers.eu Firecapture: http://www.firecapture.de Oacapture: https://www.openastroproject.org/oacapture/ Planetary-imager: https://blog.gulinux.net/en/software/planetary-imager Sharpcap: https://www.sharpcap.co.uk Backyard: https://www.otelescope.com Astro photography tool: https://www.ideiki.com/astro/Default.aspx AstroDSLR: http://www.cloudmakers.eu AstroImager: http://www.cloudmakers.eu Sequence Generator Pro: http://mainsequencesoftware.com/products/sgpro ZWO ASAIR: https://astronomy-imaging-camera.com/product/zwo-asiair You can find me in: Website: http://skywonders.ie Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmarcarr Instagram: http://instagram.com/skywonders_ie Facebook: http://facebook.com/skywondersie
Hobbies and gastronomy 5 years
The science behind the first image ever of a black hole
The science behind the first image ever of a black hole
On April 10, 2019, the first image of a black hole taken with the Event Horizon telescope was published. This telescope uses a technique called interferometry to combine the observations of multiple observatories located throughout Earth. In this episode I describe the importance of this discovery within the world of astrophysics and physics in general and I cover in detail what information the image offers us. Link to the image: https://www.eso.org/public/news/eso1907/ You can find me in: Website: http://skywonders.ie Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmarcarr Instagram: http://instagram.com/skywonders_ie Facebook: http://facebook.com/skywondersie
Hobbies and gastronomy 5 years
A hotel under the stars: astrophysics and astrophotography
A hotel under the stars: astrophysics and astrophotography
This week I talk about how astronomers live at an observatory doing scientific observations for almost a week. I also tell you about the preparation that goes with it before going. Through examples of projects made by my students I show you the amount of science that can be done with simple images and I encourage you to look at your astronomical images with different eyes. You can find me in: Website: http://skywonders.ie Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmarcarr Instagram: http://instagram.com/skywonders_ie Facebook: http://facebook.com/skywondersie
Hobbies and gastronomy 5 years
The April night sky
The April night sky
The night sky in April bring us a lot of different options for both north and Southern hemispheres. In particular, it is one of the best moments to do Milky Way panoramas. Learn on this episode the tricks to successfully photograph the full arch of the Milky Way as well as what other interest sources will be able to see and photograph during this next month. Milky Way panorama: https://www.instagram.com/p/BvccMvxBKGY/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link You can find me in: Website: http://skywonders.ie Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmarcarr Instagram: http://instagram.com/skywonders_ie Facebook: http://facebook.com/skywondersie
Hobbies and gastronomy 5 years
Image processing apps for astrophotography
Image processing apps for astrophotography
In this week’s episode I describe a large list of software options for all kind of imaging processing, from astro-landscapes, to lucky imaging and deep sky objects. With the apps mentioned in this episode you will have everything you need to start extract every photon from your photos. Lightroom and darktable (https://www.darktable.org): 01:49 min Photoshop and Affinity Photo (https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/photo/): 04:08 min Starry Landscape Stacker and Sequator: 05:27 min https://sites.google.com/site/starrylandscapestacker https://sites.google.com/site/sequatorglobal/ PiPP, Autostakkert and Registax: 07:48 min https://sites.google.com/site/astropipp/ https://www.autostakkert.com DSS (http://deepskystacker.free.fr/english/index.html): 10:02 min Startools (http://www.startools.org): 11:51min MaximDL (http://diffractionlimited.com/product/maxim-dl/): 14:13 min Nebulosity (http://www.stark-labs.com/nebulosity.html): 15:30 min PixInsight and Astro Pixel Processor: 16:08 min https://pixinsight.com https://www.astropixelprocessor.com You can find me in: Website: http://skywonders.ie Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmarcarr Instagram: http://instagram.com/skywonders_ie Facebook: http://facebook.com/skywondersie
Hobbies and gastronomy 5 years
The March night sky
The March night sky
As it is now tradition every month, this week’s episode summarises the main events and objects of the night sky that we will be able to see from the North and South Hemispheres during March. As always, the episode includes tips on how to photograph them as well as additional information on the science behind them. We talk about planets, the moon, galaxies and stellar clusters. Episode about the effects of the atmosphere: https://podcasts.fotografonocturno.com/21-los-efectos-de-la-atmosfera-en-astrofotografia/ Episode about the Zodiacal light: https://podcasts.fotografonocturno.com/3-como-fotografiar-la-luz-zodiacal/ Time-lapse of the Milky Way rising: https://www.instagram.com/p/BipZk6Ulb2i/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet Image of the region of Rho Oph: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bho-gDdFuTT/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet You can find me in: Website: http://skywonders.ie Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmarcarr Instagram: http://instagram.com/skywonders_ie Facebook: http://facebook.com/skywondersie
Hobbies and gastronomy 5 years
My top 5 apps for weather forecasting
My top 5 apps for weather forecasting
This week I bring you my top 5 list of weather apps to help you plan our observing nights knowing if the sky is going to be clear or covered. Each app has its pros and cons, but after years testing different options, these are the apps that give me the best results and I consider them the most reliable for my planning. I hope they can be useful for you as well. Episode’s time index: http://weatherunderground.com: 02:10 min http://yr.no: 06:06 min http://meteoblue.com: 09:24 min http://clearoutside.com: 14:20 min http://ventusky.com: 17:19 min You can find me in: Website: http://skywonders.ie Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmarcarr Instagram: http://instagram.com/skywonders_ie Facebook: http://facebook.com/skywondersie
Hobbies and gastronomy 6 years
The effects of the atmosphere in astrophotography
The effects of the atmosphere in astrophotography
The effects of the atmosphere in astrophotography If you have ever wondered why it is sometimes difficult to capture the Moon when it is close to the horizon or why some nights without clouds you get disappointing results compared to others, then this will be a very special episode for you. This week I talk about how the airmass or the seeing can affect our images. I also talk about the lucky imaging technique that help us counteract these effects and give us more sharper images of the moon and planets. Episode’s time index: The airmass: 03:40 min The seeing: 09:02 min Lucky imaging: 14:51 min You can find me in: Website: http://skywonders.ie Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmarcarr Instagram: http://instagram.com/skywonders_ie Facebook: http://facebook.com/skywondersie
Hobbies and gastronomy 6 years
Focusing methods in astrophotography
Focusing methods in astrophotography
In this week’s episode I cover 4 different methods to achieve perfect focused images in a quickly and reliable way when using your DSRLs and/or telescopes. In this link you can find the online tool to generate a Bahtinov mask suitable for your setup: http://astrojargon.net/MaskGen.aspx And in this second link you can find the hyperlocal table provided by Photopills: https://www.photopills.com/calculators/hyperfocal-table Episode’s time index: Focusing method 1: 5:09 min Focusing method 2: 11:07 min Focusing method 3: 12:54 min Focusing method 4: 15:44 min You can find me in: Website: http://skywonders.ie Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmarcarr Instagram: http://instagram.com/skywonders_ie Facebook: http://facebook.com/skywondersie
Hobbies and gastronomy 6 years
The February night sky
The February night sky
This week’s episode summarises the main events and objects of the night sky that we will be able to see from the North and South Hemispheres during February. As always, the episode includes tips on how to photograph them as well as additional information on the science behind them. We talk about planets, the moon, nebulae and stellar clusters, You can find me in: Website: http://skywonders.ie Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmarcarr Instagram: http://instagram.com/skywonders_ie Facebook: http://facebook.com/skywondersie
Hobbies and gastronomy 6 years
How to improve our astrophotography using calibration images
How to improve our astrophotography using calibration images
The proper calibration of our RAW images, is a really important stage of the acquisition of astronomical images. In this episode I describe each of the different types of calibrating images, why they are useful and how we need to proceed to take them and apply them. Images of the total lunar eclipse https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs6f7zvB2cp/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs_X-MqB_wh/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link You can find me in: Website: http://skywonders.ie Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmarcarr Instagram: http://instagram.com/skywonders_ie Facebook: http://facebook.com/skywondersie
Hobbies and gastronomy 6 years
How to photograph a lunar eclipse
How to photograph a lunar eclipse
In the early hours of January 21st, we will have the opportunity of witnessing the only total lunar eclipse of 2019. In this episode, I show you all the different techniques to successfully photograph such an incredible event: composition, camera settings, exposition during different phases of the eclipse… Do not forget to share your images with me either via Instagram or Twitter using #skywondersie. You can find me in: Website: http://skywonders.ie Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmarcarr Instagram: http://instagram.com/skywonders_ie Facebook: http://facebook.com/skywondersie
Hobbies and gastronomy 6 years
The incredible journey of New Horizons
The incredible journey of New Horizons
In this episode I uncover what the images obtained by the New Horizon probe, launched in 2006, are telling us about Pluto, seeing like never before, and most recently, in January 1st, 2019, about Ultima-Thule, the farthest object ever visited. You can find me in: Website: http://skywonders.ie Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmarcarr Instagram: http://instagram.com/skywonders_ie Facebook: http://facebook.com/skywondersie
Hobbies and gastronomy 6 years
My astrophotography equipment
My astrophotography equipment
We kick off 2019 with an special episode in response to loads of requests, questions from all of you. On this episode I will describe in detail what equipment for astrophotography I currently have, which one is always in my luggage, and the purpose on my work of each of the different cameras, lenses, software tools that I have. Astronomical calendar of 2019 including all major events of the year and free international shipping: http://skywonders.ie/product/calendar-2019/ You can find me in: Website: http://skywonders.ie Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmarcarr Instagram: http://instagram.com/skywonders_ie Facebook: http://facebook.com/skywondersie
Hobbies and gastronomy 6 years
The January night sky
The January night sky
The last episode of 2018 is here and of course it covers the astronomical events and main celestial objects of the January night sky, as well as photographing tips. We talk about comets, planets, meteor showers and star clusters. Don’t miss the special surprise at the end of the episode. Happy 2019 Astronomical calendar of 2019 including all major events of the year and free international shipping: http://skywonders.ie/product/calendar-2019/ You can find me in: Website: http://skywonders.ie Twitter: http://twitter.com/antmarcarr Instagram: http://instagram.com/skywonders_ie Facebook: http://facebook.com/skywondersie
Hobbies and gastronomy 6 years
More of Academia de Fotógrafos View more
Academia de Fotógrafos
Academia de Fotógrafos El podcast para los fotógrafos que quieren aprender técnica, monetizar su pasión y estar al día de todas las novedades de material en tiempo real. Updated
Fotografía en voz alta
Fotografía en voz alta Aquí no se habla de cámaras, ni de objetivos o trípodes y, ni muchos menos, de técnica. Este no es un podcast que te hará conseguir fotografías extremadamente nítidas, saturadas, unidas mediante capas y procesados con el panel tony kuyper. Aquí venimos a hablar de lo que no se toca porque como dice Tino Soriano: “Lo fundamental está en lo intangible”Vamos a tratar asuntos varios como lo trascendente de tus fotografías. ¿Te has planteado si tu fotografía ayuda a alguien? ¿Cuál es el mensaje de tu obra? ¿Has inventado algo? Hay muchas preguntas que deberíamos hacernos sobre nuestras fotografías y que, quizás, no nos hayamos hecho ninguna. Dicen que cultura no es saber mucho sino adaptarse a cada situación. José Benito Ruiz trabaja con el neófito y con el experto, con el joven y el anciano, con el que se obceca en la técnica y con el que busca lo transcendente en su obra. Se adapta a nosotros dependiendo quien esté enfrente convirtiéndose así en una persona camaleónica donante de conocimiento y sabiduría. En este podcast nos vamos a tomar un café hablando de cosas que todos los que tenemos una cámara necesitamos saber pero nadie nos lo dice. Confiamos y, lo vamos a hacer, en levantar una nueva conciencia y moral en nuestro trabajo fotográfico con el fin de que nuestras fotografías, pasen a tener un doble significado: lo estético y lo humanitario. Relájate y ponte a saborear “Fotografía en voz alta” Updated
Vivir de tu pasión, es posible
Vivir de tu pasión, es posible El podcast donde escuchamos, analizamos y ayudamos a fotógrafos que quieren dedicarse 100% a la fotografía o, al menos, compaginarla con otra actividad. 
Hablamos de estrategias de captación de clientes, uso de redes sociales, cuánto cobrar, cómo publicitarnos y todo aquello de lo que nadie habla sin tapujos….
Tanto si quieres dedicarte full time a la fotografía como si quieres tener unos ingresos extra… ¡Este es tu podcast! Updated
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