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By Chiki&Bella secretary-john-kerry-reflects-foreign-policy-2017



secretary-john-kerry-reflects-foreign-policy-successes-challenges-news conference - 01-05-2017 part 01
audio English
Secretary of State John Kerry said U.S. international standing had improved since 2009 when President Obama first took office. Speaking at his final press conference at the State Department, Secretary Kerry reflected on foreign policy challenges and successes, including the strategy to defeat and destroy ISIL*, the Iran nuclear agreement, the Paris climate agreement, and relations with Cuba.

secretary-john-kerry-reflects-foreign-policy-successes-challenges-news conference - 01-05-2017 part 01
audio English
Secretary of State John Kerry said U.S. international standing had improved since 2009 when President Obama first took office. Speaking at his final press conference at the State Department, Secretary Kerry reflected on foreign policy challenges and successes, including the strategy to defeat and destroy ISIL*, the Iran nuclear agreement, the Paris climate agreement, and relations with Cuba.

secretary-john-kerry-reflects-foreign-policy-successes-challenges-news conference - 01-05-2017 part 02
secretary-john-kerry-reflects-foreign-policy-successes-challenges-news conference - 01-05-2017 part 02
secretary-john-kerry-reflects-foreign-policy-successes-challenges-news conference - 01-05-2017 part 02 audio English Secretary of State John Kerry said U.S. international standing had improved since 2009 when President Obama first took office. Speaking at his final press conference at the State Department, Secretary Kerry reflected on foreign policy challenges and successes, including the strategy to defeat and destroy ISIL*, the Iran nuclear agreement, the Paris climate agreement, and relations with Cuba.
Politic and economy 8 years
secretary-john-kerry-reflects-foreign-policy-successes-challenges-news conference - 01-05-2017 part 01
secretary-john-kerry-reflects-foreign-policy-successes-challenges-news conference - 01-05-2017 part 01
secretary-john-kerry-reflects-foreign-policy-successes-challenges-news conference - 01-05-2017 part 01 audio English Secretary of State John Kerry said U.S. international standing had improved since 2009 when President Obama first took office. Speaking at his final press conference at the State Department, Secretary Kerry reflected on foreign policy challenges and successes, including the strategy to defeat and destroy ISIL*, the Iran nuclear agreement, the Paris climate agreement, and relations with Cuba.
Politic and economy 8 years
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