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The Cool Nerd Weed Show
With over a decade of professional cannabis experience between TS & Sasha, their candid and honest take on the industry is as loud as their weed. The studio may be cloudy but their opinions are not–being on the front lines of the cannabis revolution is all in a day’s work. Never panic, it’s organic!
With over a decade of professional cannabis experience between TS & Sasha, their candid and honest take on the industry is as loud as their weed. The studio may be cloudy but their opinions are not–being on the front lines of the cannabis revolution is all in a day’s work. Never panic, it’s organic!
Episode in
The Cool Nerd Weed Show
Today the nerds are straight up PMA! Well, they get the bad news out of the way and then they are straight up PMA! Listen to cleanse your feed and feel hopeful for an hour! So don't panic! It's organic!
Episode in
The Cool Nerd Weed Show
There's...a lot going on in the world. Like. A lot. And today we're gonna try and keep calm while we tell you about some news with the feds and all around these united states of cannabis! So don't panic! It's organic!
The Nerds and brake!
Episode in
The Cool Nerd Weed Show
The nerds are joined tonight by the coolest of the cool, musician and fellow enjoyer of cannabis, Brake! We had a great chat about the how cannabis can help the song writing process, how to navigate the algo while singing about weed and how matcha tea may just save us all. Listen for Brake's new single Whisky N' Lace on idobi Radio and catch all things Brake here! After our chat, the nerds have a Huff and Puff you won't want to miss. Don't Panic! It's organic!
Let's Get Ready To Grumble!
Episode in
The Cool Nerd Weed Show
The Nerds are back with their first show of 2k25! We've got lots to discuss, from Meta's madness to dirty weed--the nerds have opinions! Huff and puff with us and don't panic! It's organic!
Nerdstrodamus 2K25, Favesies and More!
Episode in
The Cool Nerd Weed Show
Round up the year with the nerds! And listen for our annual predictions for the upcoming year! Is Sasha just a be ol' grouch? Will cannabis unite the United States like TS predicts?! Don't panic! It's organic!
Sasha Greens Out, NY Shows Out & Budtender Burnout
Episode in
The Cool Nerd Weed Show
There's no way Sasha took a giant edible when she got on the plane right after the show where the nerds recommend microdosing for holiday travel right? RIGHT?? We also review some New York cannabis and dispensaries and talk about how budtenders can avoid burnout during this holiday season!
100 (a guide to microdosing mushrooms)
Episode in
The Cool Nerd Weed Show
Let's take a trip down microdosing lane with the nerds! How to micro the mushies for a truly medical experience! Hint: don't take the whole bag! But if you do, don't panic! It's organic!
Danksgiving Tips From The Nerds!
Episode in
The Cool Nerd Weed Show
Little stressed about the upcoming holidaze? Feeling like you might not make it through the longest holiday ever? The nerds are to the rescue! We have a full run down of how to micro dose THC yourself through Danksgiving along with some infused meal suggestions and more! Whether you're hosting or guesting, we have your back for lift off! Get your munchies ready, cause we are giving some thanks tonight! Don't panic! It's organic!
I'll Never Not Be Angry
Episode in
The Cool Nerd Weed Show
First show post election and we have updates! To be honest, and we always are, the canna-news is actually a positive. Sort of. Find out what we mean and don't panic! It's organic!
Episode in
The Cool Nerd Weed Show
Today's the big day in these here parts, it's election day 2024!!! The nerds have some last minute advices and things to know if you're headed to the polls today! The ACLU has some great resources and so do we! Go out and vote and then get home and smoke a big ol' fattie because we are recommending some nice relaxing strains at the end of this episode to help chill you out tonight. DON'T PANIC! It's organic!
Friendly Neighborhood Nerds
Episode in
The Cool Nerd Weed Show
Tonight the nerds have some politickin' to do! GO VOTE NOW NOW NOW!!!! Then, we have some funs-- if weed is on the ballot in your state, you might be new to cannabis, so we have some tips on what your budtender might ask you when you head on into your local shop.
Vote Early, Vote High!
Episode in
The Cool Nerd Weed Show
The nerds have some politickin' to get through todaysies and we start with the announcement that we'll be joining It's News To Us on election night to call the election the only way we know how! Crispy and lifted! We end with some light fun dispensary tips and have the smokiest time in between! Don't panic this election season! Vote! And it's organic!
Your Mother Sews Socks In Hell!
Episode in
The Cool Nerd Weed Show
Tonight the Nerds are getting spooOOoooOOky! We talk about some of our favorite movies to watch while stoned! And maybe some movies to avoid while lifted! Don't panic, it's organic!
What's A Delta?
Episode in
The Cool Nerd Weed Show
Today the nerds start out by going over exactly what all these different cannabinoids and compounds we're seeing in smoke shops and gas stations actually are and where they come from. Some states, including CA are banning them and we want to explain why! Then we talk about Kamala's official and wonderful stance on weed and close out with some good news about cannabis and your heart! So don't panic, it's organic!
Which Weed Is For Me and Why Why WHY NY?!
Episode in
The Cool Nerd Weed Show
Today we breakdown which weed you might find yourself drawn to and why and what to look for when you're venturing out in the wild world of cannabis flower! We also go over the madness that's occurring in New York. We end with knowing your rights in Illinois! So don't panic! It's organic!
Sticky Icky Tricky Dicky
Episode in
The Cool Nerd Weed Show
Today the nerds want to go over and debunk some of Donald Trump's cannabis "endorsements" and how we're extremely skeptical of his statement! We also have some news from none other than the origin story of the war on drugs, Richard Nixon. It's fun one, so don't panic! It's organic!
Politickin' With The Nerds
Episode in
The Cool Nerd Weed Show
There's an election coming up and cannabis is on the ballot! Be wary! Not all ballots are built the same! We go over Florida's Amendment 3 and what it means for the future of recreational weed for Floridians. We also have an update on Donald Trump's stance on weed, and we end with a nice fun positive local California piece of news! So don't panic! It's organic!
Episode in
The Cool Nerd Weed Show
The nerds have some PSA's they want you to be aware of! From cannabis consumption to the correct terminology, the nerds are here to educate! We also go over some dangerous news in the world of Magic Mushrooms, so make sure to listen to our words of stoner wisdom!
Episode in
The Cool Nerd Weed Show
The nerds have some PSA's they want you to be aware of! From cannabis consumption to the correct terminology, the nerds are here to educate! We also go over some dangerous news in the world of Magic Mushrooms, so make sure to listen to our words of stoner wisdom!
THCV and Jumpscares!
Episode in
The Cool Nerd Weed Show
Tonight the Nerds breakdown the new cannabinoid on everyone's minds, THCV! We also have some information on some scary headlines that came our way over the weekend and end with another jump scare, cannabis in Florida. But don't worry, the nerds have your back and will calm your nerves! So don't panic! It's organic!
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El búnquer
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