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By Nash Consulting The Managing with Mind and Heart Podcast
The Managing with Mind and Heart Podcast

The Managing with Mind and Heart Podcast


This isn’t your typical management-skills podcast. Join Nash Consulting’s CEO Ethan Nash (an entitled millennial) and his Dad, the company founder, Mike Nash (a cynical gen X’er) as they sort through the plethora of leadership information out there in order to provide you practical, actionable ways to become a manager rockstar. If you manage people or you aspire to manage people, you should probably listen to this podcast.

Since 1996, Nash Consulting has been helping managers not suck. Their long-term mission has been to develop highly skilled, authentic, compassionate, effective leaders who know how to build morale, provide accountability, get stuff done, and build effective relationships with their people based on trust and respect. Their signature 6-day Managing with Mind and Heart workshop, which has inspired thousands of leaders over the past two decades, is the inspiration behind this fun, practical, unique podcast series.

Nash Consulting clients include the cities of Seattle, Tacoma, and others; Brooks Running; Microsoft; Perkins Coie, Stoel Rives, K and L Gates, and dozens of other law firms; Providence, Overlake, Confluence Health and many other hospitals; Salvation Army, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, American Lung Association, YMCA, and dozens of other nonprofits; NanoString; Central Washington University; the ACLU….to name just a few.

For more information on Nash Consulting, visit their website at www.nashconsulting.com

This isn’t your typical management-skills podcast. Join Nash Consulting’s CEO Ethan Nash (an entitled millennial) and his Dad, the company founder, Mike Nash (a cynical gen X’er) as they sort through the plethora of leadership information out there in order to provide you practical, actionable ways to become a manager rockstar. If you manage people or you aspire to manage people, you should probably listen to this podcast.

Since 1996, Nash Consulting has been helping managers not suck. Their long-term mission has been to develop highly skilled, authentic, compassionate, effective leaders who know how to build morale, provide accountability, get stuff done, and build effective relationships with their people based on trust and respect. Their signature 6-day Managing with Mind and Heart workshop, which has inspired thousands of leaders over the past two decades, is the inspiration behind this fun, practical, unique podcast series.

Nash Consulting clients include the cities of Seattle, Tacoma, and others; Brooks Running; Microsoft; Perkins Coie, Stoel Rives, K and L Gates, and dozens of other law firms; Providence, Overlake, Confluence Health and many other hospitals; Salvation Army, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, American Lung Association, YMCA, and dozens of other nonprofits; NanoString; Central Washington University; the ACLU….to name just a few.

For more information on Nash Consulting, visit their website at www.nashconsulting.com

#109 – Mindsets for Receiving Feedback
#109 – Mindsets for Receiving Feedback
Join our upcoming online workshop series of our cornerstone program, "Managing with Mind & Heart." Receiving feedback is a critical part of your job as manager. To keep  growing as a person and leader, understanding your management blindspots are critical. But receiving feedback is a skill, and a critical one - because doing so defensively shuts down any future feedback. Tune into this episode to learn how proper mindsets for receiving feedback.  In this show we mentioned the Coaching by Hypothesis episode. Text the word “LEADING” to 66866 to be added to Nash Consulting’s monthly newsletter. Just practical management skills and tips. And just once a month. Pinky swear. Send an email to contact@nashconsulting.com to request the guide book of “350 One-on-One Questions.”
History and humanities 1 week
#108 – The Morale Mandate (LIVE)
#108 – The Morale Mandate (LIVE)
Ever wonder what our live leadership development workshops are like? This episode is a short clip of a live workshop we put on a couple of months ago. If you sign up for this online workshop series, use this code at checkout to get a 25% discount: MINDANDHEARTPOD We edited out any voices of participants, plus all the group work, breakout rooms, and Q/A, so you'll just hear Ethan. In this short episode, Ethan reminds listeners of a common saying on the Managing with Mind and Heart podcast: morale matters and it’s mostly your job as a manager. 
History and humanities 2 weeks
#107 – Reset Your 1-on-1s
#107 – Reset Your 1-on-1s
If the most common question surrounding 1-on-1 meetings in your workplace is “wanna skip this week?”, your team is missing out on a huge opportunity for connection and support. In this episode, Ethan and Mike share practical tips to revitalize your 1-on-1s and make them impactful. Text the word “LEADING” to 66866 to be added to Nash Consulting’s monthly newsletter. Just practical management skills and tips. And just once a month. Pinky swear. Send an email to contact@nashconsulting.com to request the guide book of “350 One-on-One Questions.”  
History and humanities 3 weeks
#106 – Johari's Window (LIVE)
#106 – Johari's Window (LIVE)
Ever wonder what our live leadership development workshops are like? This episode is a short clip of a live workshop we put on a couple of months ago. If you sign up for this online workshop series, use this code at checkout to get a 25% discount: MINDANDHEARTPOD We edited out any voices of participants, plus all the group work, breakout rooms, and Q/A, so you'll just hear Ethan. In this short episode, Ethan reminds listeners that none of us are fully aware of our full growth potential and to be an effective leader/manager, you need to be growing as a human being.  
History and humanities 1 month
#105 – Generations at Work with Cheryl Fields Tyler
#105 – Generations at Work with Cheryl Fields Tyler
On today’s episode of the Managing with Mind and Heart, Ethan Nash is joined by Cheryl Fields Tyler, founder and CEO of Blue Beyond Consulting, to discuss the organization’s recent report, Winning on the People Side of Business, which explores the top priorities and challenges facing businesses today. Among other demographics, Blue Beyond paid close attention to differences in how generations felt across issues at work.  In conversation with Ethan, Cheryl Fields Tyler reflects on the consulting group’s 2021 study, comparing its findings with the latest 2024 insights while introducing fresh questions that address today’s evolving challenges. Tune in for an engaging conversation on the changing face of leadership and practical strategies for building resilient workplaces in an ever-evolving business world. Text the word “LEADING” to 66866 to be added to Nash Consulting’s monthly newsletter. Just practical management skills and tips. And just once a month. Pinky swear.
History and humanities 1 month
#104 – The Challenge-Competency Continuum
#104 – The Challenge-Competency Continuum
In this episode, Ethan Nash introduces the Challenge-Competency Continuum, a framework for understanding how stress impacts employee productivity. Picture an upside-down “U” with productivity on the y-axis and stress on the x-axis. Too little stress leaves employees unmotivated; too much stress overwhelms them. Peak productivity? It’s right in the middle. The key to finding that balance, Nash says, ask your employees. Ethan dives into how understanding where someone lands on the continuum—how “challenged” and “competent” they feel—can help managers make smarter decisions. With the right insights, leaders can fine-tune workloads, reduce unnecessary stress, and unlock their team’s full potential. To get our Effective and Enjoyable Meetings Guidebook, send a note to contact@nashconsulting.com. Text the word “LEADING” to 66866 to be added to Nash Consulting’s monthly newsletter. Just practical management skills and tips. And just once a month. Pinky swear.
History and humanities 2 months
#103 – Top Strategies for Information Distribution
#103 – Top Strategies for Information Distribution
“You might have terrific goals set for your team, expectations that are solid, strategies that are great, tactics that are awesome, but when communication sucks, none of this is going to matter.” In this episode of the Managing with Mind and Heart, host Ethan Nash discusses the best channels for optimal team communication.  Tons of information is constantly thrown at managers, and it’s their job to act as a funnel and get the appropriate information to their team. Mentioning pertinent information to an employee in the lunch room might feel easiest in the moment, but strategies like these lead to confusion, crossed wires, and in turn, a decrease in workplace morale. To avoid all that, there are best practices for information distribution at work (remember last week’s episode on the Magic Email?). Listen now to hear Ethan’s deep dive on the top five channels for sharing info with your team.  To get our Effective and Enjoyable Meetings Guidebook, send a note to contact@nashconsulting.com. Text the word “LEADING” to 66866 to be added to Nash Consulting’s monthly newsletter. Just practical management skills and tips. And just once a month. Pinky swear.
History and humanities 2 months
#102 – The Magic Email
#102 – The Magic Email
In this quick episode, Mike Nash discusses the magic of “The Friday Email.” A strategy of consolidated communication, this end-of-week email is a suggestion for managers and employees who struggle with email overload. It narrows down communication channels and provides managers and employees a single place where all pertinent information will be stored.  To adopt this tactic, managers commit to creating and sending out a really well written and organized email at the end of each week. Employees, in turn, commit to reading and internalizing the contents of the email.  More than just an email, the Friday Email is a simplification of communication channels and a critical connector between employee and manager.  To get our Effective and Enjoyable Meetings Guidebook, send a note to contact@nashconsulting.com. Text the word “LEADING” to 66866 to be added to Nash Consulting’s monthly newsletter. Just practical management skills and tips. And just once a month. Pinky swear.
History and humanities 2 months
#101 – The Manager's Radar Revisited
#101 – The Manager's Radar Revisited
“If you are thinking about work as you’re getting ready for your work day, what you're probably thinking about are tasks, phone calls and meetings. In addition to that, maybe even instead of that, if you just quickly review these 6 concepts, it would change everything.” In this solo episode, Mike Nash dives into the essential elements of effective management every manager should be thinking about before the workday: Personal growth as a foundation for leadership (for more on the growth mindset, see Episode #97 with Hana Butler) Morale matters and it’s mostly a manager’s job Building trust by showing you have your team's best interests at heart Keep the 15 critical management skills and deliverables in mind Developing adaptive skills tied to emotional intelligence. Fostering psychological safety—creating a space where your team feels secure and valued (for more on psychological safety, see Episodes #57 and #58) Tune in for actionable insights helpful to reset your managerial compass and lead with impact. To get our Effective and Enjoyable Meetings Guidebook, send a note to contact@nashconsulting.com. Text the word “LEADING” to 66866 to be added to Nash Consulting’s monthly newsletter. Just practical management skills and tips. And just once a month. Pinky swear.
History and humanities 2 months
#100 – The Random Show (100 Episodes of The MWMH Podcast!)
#100 – The Random Show (100 Episodes of The MWMH Podcast!)
We’re 100!!  To celebrate the centennial, we’re taking a break from our usual programming as Ethan and Mike get personal, tackling questions like "What makes a good parent?" and "How do you define success?" This special episode pulls back the curtain on the minds and hearts behind Nash Consulting. Here's to the next 100 episodes! Check out the Mind & Heart University app! To get our Effective and Enjoyable Meetings Guidebook, send a note to contact@nashconsulting.com. Text the word “LEADING” to 66866 to be added to Nash Consulting’s monthly newsletter. Just practical management skills and tips. And just once a month. Pinky swear.
History and humanities 3 months
Quick Announcement & Asking a Favor
Quick Announcement & Asking a Favor
Just a couple quick things for you! Subscribe on Spotify here and Apple Podcasts here. Subscribe to our newsletter here or text the word "Leading" to the number 66866. Cheers! https://www.nashconsulting.com/ 
History and humanities 4 months
#99 – The Key to Productive Meetings? Thoughtful Agendas.
#99 – The Key to Productive Meetings? Thoughtful Agendas.
"People spend way too much time in crappy meetings. They suck your soul and they discourage you." In this episode of Managing with Mind and Heart, Ethan and Mike Nash discuss the importance of a less glamorous yet essential part of the workplace: meeting agendas. As a follow-up to the recent episode on how to wrap up meetings with clarity and closure, this episode focuses on what happens before the meeting ends. From starting with a check-in and icebreaker to giving participants space to raise their own concerns, they walk through each step of building a thoughtful and effective meeting agenda.  Whether you're leading the meeting or simply participating, understanding the flow and purpose of an agenda can make a big difference. Tune in to learn how to make your meetings more organized, efficient, and engaging. Check out the Mind & Heart University app! To get our Effective and Enjoyable Meetings Guidebook, send a note to contact@nashconsulting.com. Text the word “LEADING” to 66866 to be added to Nash Consulting’s monthly newsletter. Just practical management skills and tips. And just once a month. Pinky swear.
History and humanities 4 months
#98 – Wrapping Up Meetings with The ABCDs
#98 – Wrapping Up Meetings with The ABCDs
In this episode of the Managing With Mind and Heart, hosts Ethan and Mike Nash discuss how one simple tool can bring clarity and focus to your meetings. ABCD stands for Action items, By whens/by whom, Communication, and Decisions, and it's designed to ensure every meeting ends with clear, actionable takeaways. We’ll walk you through how these steps help teams clarify decisions, assign responsibilities, and communicate effectively. Tune in to learn how the ABCD method can transform your meetings and boost team productivity. Don't forget to visit our website and join our mailing list for more insights. Check out the Mind & Heart University app! To get our Effective and Enjoyable Meetings Guidebook, send a note to contact@nashconsulting.com. We mentioned the following episodes: #54 – Committment, Accountability & Results: Building a Cohesive Leadership Team #13 – How to Have One-on-One Meetings That Don't Suck #21 – How to Run Meetings That Don't Suck Your Soul (Part 1) #22 – Tools & Tactics for Meeting Facilitation (Part 2) #23 – Remote Meetings: How to Make Them Worthwhile  #64 – You Should Create a Meeting Code of Conduct Text the word “LEADING” to 66866 to be added to Nash Consulting’s monthly newsletter. Just practical management skills and tips. And just once a month. Pinky swear.
History and humanities 5 months
#97 – Growth vs. Fixed Mindsets at Work with Hana Butler
#97 – Growth vs. Fixed Mindsets at Work with Hana Butler
"Mindsets really, really matter because they set us up for learning. I don't know any leader or organization that doesn't want their employees to be engaged, to have high morale, to be learning and innovating." In this episode of The Managing With Mind and Heart, Nash Consulting's own Hana Butler joins host Ethan Nash to explore the transformative power of a growth mindset. Coined by Carol Dweck in the 1980s, the term "growth mindset" highlights how our beliefs about learning and failure shape our personal and professional lives. Hana breaks down the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset, showing how each influences our ability to innovate and grow at work. She explains that in a fixed mindset, mistakes are seen as a reflection of who we are, while in a growth mindset, they’re opportunities for improvement. Text the word “LEADING” to 66866 to be added to Nash Consulting’s monthly newsletter. Just practical management skills and tips. And just once a month. Pinky swear.
History and humanities 5 months
#96 – Coaching by Hypothesis
#96 – Coaching by Hypothesis
In this episode of the Managing with Mind and Heart podcast, host Ethan Nash explores an alternative approach to feedback that goes beyond the traditional “BIR” method (which we talked about back in episode #8 and wrote about here). This framework—where managers identify problematic Behavior, highlight its Impact, and suggest a Replacement—works well when specific behaviors need addressing. But what happens when feedback is based more on intuition or a general feeling about an employee? Drawing inspiration from the book Scaling People: Tactics for Management and Company Building by Claire Hughes Johnson, Ethan introduces the hypothesis-based coaching approach, which turns potential criticism into open dialogue. By framing intuition-based feedback as a hypothesis rather than a judgment, managers can foster more productive conversations, even when feedback is less clear-cut. Tune in to discover how to navigate these tricky conversations with confidence. Text the word “LEADING” to 66866 to be added to Nash Consulting’s monthly newsletter. Just practical management skills and tips. And just once a month. Pinky swear.
History and humanities 5 months
#95 – Strengths with Andy Thompson
#95 – Strengths with Andy Thompson
“In so many ways, we can’t be more of one thing without being less of another. The ability to recognize that I can't be everything -- and that there are tradeoffs for the best things that I bring to the table -- is really what the strengths based perspective is all about.”  In this episode, Ethan sits down with leadership coach, consultant, and all-around cool dude Andy Thompson. Andy provides insights on identifying and leveraging strengths, and starts by explaining what a strength really is: a combination of talent, skills, and knowledge, which all exist in unison within a certain context. The duo discusses the importance and how-tos of helping teams discover and harness their strengths collectively. Individual "weaknesses" are inevitable, and the strongest teams tap into one another’s complementary strengths.  Tune in to learn how to realistically balance strengths and weaknesses for personal and team growth. Links and notes: Andy's podcast episode on strengths Clifton Strengths Finder Text the word “LEADING” to 66866 to be added to Nash Consulting’s monthly newsletter. Just practical management skills and tips. And just once a month. Pinky swear.
History and humanities 6 months
#94 – MIT's Deborah Ancona on "Family Ghosts" At Work & High-Performing Teams
#94 – MIT's Deborah Ancona on "Family Ghosts" At Work & High-Performing Teams
In this episode, Ethan Nash is joined by MIT Sloan’s Deborah Ancona, founder of the MIT Leadership Center, author of the new book xTeams, and contributor at the Harvard Business Review. They explore the concept of “family ghosts” — a term coined to describe the way familial dynamics influence an individual’s workplace behavior and leadership. Deborah also shares insights from her pioneering research on high-performing teams and innovative leadership.  Resources: Family Ghosts in the Executive Suite Herminia Ibarra’s idea of provisional selves Immunity to Change model Lindy Greer's Hippo Theory of Leadership Course: Unlocking Your Leadership Signature via Executive Education at MIT "Discovering and Developing" picture cards at xlead.co We're on YouTube! Watch this episode live on our channel. Text the word “LEADING” to 66866 to be added to Nash Consulting’s monthly newsletter. Just practical management skills and tips. And just once a month. Pinky swear.
History and humanities 6 months
You Need to Know About This Event (Learn the Top 15 Management Skills)
You Need to Know About This Event (Learn the Top 15 Management Skills)
We are excited to invite you to our online workshop series focused on developing leadership skills. You can register for the workshop here or email us at contact@nashconsulting.com. In this episode, Ethan explains the principles behind Nash Consulting's cornerstone leadership development program, Managing with Mind & Heart, and then provides a preview of the Top 15 Management Skills and what they look like in practice. Text the word “LEADING” to 66866 (or go here) to be added to Nash Consulting’s monthly newsletter. Just practical management skills and tools.
History and humanities 6 months
#93 - Fan Favorite: Dealing with Difficult Employee Responses
#93 - Fan Favorite: Dealing with Difficult Employee Responses
We're revisiting one of our most popular discussions—navigating the choppy waters of employee reactions after tough feedback. For those looking to dive deeper, consider enrolling in our leadership development program, Managing with Mind & Heart. This course is packed with essential tools not only for this topic but for a wide array of practical and actionable management skills. Learn more and register at www.nashconsulting.com  Text the word “LEADING” to 66866 to be added to Nash Consulting’s monthly newsletter. Just practical management skills and tips. And just once a month. Pinky swear. 
History and humanities 7 months
#92 – Keeping the Momentum Going After the Training Ends
#92 – Keeping the Momentum Going After the Training Ends
“When people step foot into the training, they need to already understand the big picture around this training.” A training shouldn’t just be a box to check—it should be the impetus for long-term organizational change. In this solo episode, Ethan unpacks strategies for sustaining the momentum after a workshop or training so that the lessons don’t just become the “flavor of the month.”  He shares strategies to ensure long-term impact by getting buy-in from your team, helping them see the big picture, and integrating new knowledge into your existing systems. He also discusses the importance of ongoing education and reinforcement, as adult learning requires repetition, and the necessity of creating accountability to ensure consistent practice. Finally, Ethan suggests how to foster deep involvement, engaging your team in driving the change. Check out the blog post we did about this topic. Text the word “LEADING” to 66866 to be added to Nash Consulting’s monthly newsletter. Just practical management skills and tips. And just once a month. Pinky swear.
History and humanities 8 months
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