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By Lesley Cain - Health and Welln THE VIBRANT SURVIVOR -How to Identify a Narcissist
THE VIBRANT SURVIVOR -How to Identify a Narcissist

THE VIBRANT SURVIVOR -How to Identify a Narcissist


***TOP 1.5% PODCAST***

Heal after narcissistic abuse.

Do you want to disconnect from narcissistic or toxic relationships?
Are you feeling stressed and lonely in dysfunctional family and work environments, or social groups?
Are you ready to heal after narcissistic abuse?

In this podcast, you’ll find holistically healing solutions to set you free from narcissistically abusive relationships, trauma-related health issues, and the enabling of toxic behavior. My mission is to help you heal after narcissistic abuse through holistic health, trauma support, and boundaries.

If you’re ready to disconnect from dysfunction and prioritize your healing after narcissistic abuse, then you’re in the right place!

Hi, I’m Lesley. A wife, mom, and narcissistic abuse survivor. For years, I rationalized toxic relationships and dysfunctional environments, in an effort to find connection, purpose, success, and peace. I fell for lies, fake opportunities, and empty promises, wasting my time, talents, and money. It took a toll on my mental health (Hello, CPTSD!); and it almost cost me my life…literally.

I finally realized that if I was going to break the cycle and heal my childhood trauma from the inside out, I needed a holistic approach. I reclaimed and redirected my resources towards solutions that helped me to put the narcissists in my life in my rear-view mirror. After applying some stealthy strategies for drama-free exits, protecting my peace, and pursuing my goals, I was determined to help others to identify, navigate, and heal from this insidious form of abuse. I went to school and became a Master Certified Health Coach and Certified Trauma Support Specialist. And I’m here to teach you how to heal after narcissistic abuse.

If you’re ready to experience healing after narcissistic abuse that focuses on YOU; holistic health and wellness solutions with real results like greater clarity, confidence, a more positive mindset, healthy boundaries, and better relationships – this podcast is for you!

Take a deep breath in…Let it out slowly…And just relax, this time is for you.

Contact: support@lesleycain.com
Instagram: @thevibrantsurvivor

***DISCLAIMER: This podcast is for educational purposes only. Any reliance you place on this information is strictly at your own risk. Lesley Cain is not a doctor, therapist or counselor. If you need healthcare, medical attention, therapy, or counseling, please seek professional help from a licensed practitioner.

***TOP 1.5% PODCAST***

Heal after narcissistic abuse.

Do you want to disconnect from narcissistic or toxic relationships?
Are you feeling stressed and lonely in dysfunctional family and work environments, or social groups?
Are you ready to heal after narcissistic abuse?

In this podcast, you’ll find holistically healing solutions to set you free from narcissistically abusive relationships, trauma-related health issues, and the enabling of toxic behavior. My mission is to help you heal after narcissistic abuse through holistic health, trauma support, and boundaries.

If you’re ready to disconnect from dysfunction and prioritize your healing after narcissistic abuse, then you’re in the right place!

Hi, I’m Lesley. A wife, mom, and narcissistic abuse survivor. For years, I rationalized toxic relationships and dysfunctional environments, in an effort to find connection, purpose, success, and peace. I fell for lies, fake opportunities, and empty promises, wasting my time, talents, and money. It took a toll on my mental health (Hello, CPTSD!); and it almost cost me my life…literally.

I finally realized that if I was going to break the cycle and heal my childhood trauma from the inside out, I needed a holistic approach. I reclaimed and redirected my resources towards solutions that helped me to put the narcissists in my life in my rear-view mirror. After applying some stealthy strategies for drama-free exits, protecting my peace, and pursuing my goals, I was determined to help others to identify, navigate, and heal from this insidious form of abuse. I went to school and became a Master Certified Health Coach and Certified Trauma Support Specialist. And I’m here to teach you how to heal after narcissistic abuse.

If you’re ready to experience healing after narcissistic abuse that focuses on YOU; holistic health and wellness solutions with real results like greater clarity, confidence, a more positive mindset, healthy boundaries, and better relationships – this podcast is for you!

Take a deep breath in…Let it out slowly…And just relax, this time is for you.

Contact: support@lesleycain.com
Instagram: @thevibrantsurvivor

***DISCLAIMER: This podcast is for educational purposes only. Any reliance you place on this information is strictly at your own risk. Lesley Cain is not a doctor, therapist or counselor. If you need healthcare, medical attention, therapy, or counseling, please seek professional help from a licensed practitioner.

113. Narcissistic Courtroom Tactics & Power Plays in Legal Battles
113. Narcissistic Courtroom Tactics & Power Plays in Legal Battles
Hey, Survivor! You know I’ve spent A LOT of time in court this past year, right?  Well, in this episode, I’m sharing narcissistic courtroom tactics and power plays the narcissist uses during legal battles.  As an example, I’m using a school board committee hearing that’s happening RIGHT NOW!  Even though it’s technically not a court of law, the same *principles* apply (pun intended).  Regardless of the relationship, these situations can be very stressful and compromise your mental health and well-being.  So, I’m providing tips on how to deal and heal, plus a cool tool for you to try.   If you, or someone you know, needs help identifying, navigating and healing from narcissistic tactics around legal and other hearings, this episode is for you. Know who you're dealing with.  Know who you are. 💚Lesley   Book your call here. Become a Vibrant Survivor insider here. Let's connect on IG!  Share today's episode and tag me @thevibrantsurvivor Contact support@lesleycain.com
Mind and psychology 6 days
112. The Hidden Costs of Dealing with a Narcissist: Boundaries, Healing, and Recovery After Abuse
112. The Hidden Costs of Dealing with a Narcissist: Boundaries, Healing, and Recovery After Abuse
Hey, Survivor! In this episode, I’m sharing the life-changing power of boundaries for narcissistic abuse survivors.  If you’re in a toxic relationship, you need to learn to distance yourself from dysfunction, so you can protect your health, peace and joy.  You’re worthy of healing!       If you, or someone you know, needs help setting boundaries, this episode is for you. Know who you're dealing with.  Know who you are. 💚Lesley   Book your call here. Become a Vibrant Survivor insider here. Let's connect on IG!  Share today's episode and tag me @thevibrantsurvivor Contact support@lesleycain.com
Mind and psychology 1 week
111. How to Identify and Stop Narcissistic Abuse Before it Ruins Your Life
111. How to Identify and Stop Narcissistic Abuse Before it Ruins Your Life
Hey, Survivor! In this episode, I’m sharing ways to identify a narcissist and how to stop narcissistic abuse before it ruins your life.  Regardless of the nature of the relationship, you need to know who and what you’re dealing with, so you can navigate narcissism and heal.  You’re worthy of healthy relationships!       If you, or someone you know, needs help unpacking toxic relationships and setting boundaries, this episode is for you. Know who you're dealing with.  Know who you are. 💚Lesley   Book your call here. Become a Vibrant Survivor insider here. Let's connect on IG!  Share today's episode and tag me @thevibrantsurvivor Contact support@lesleycain.com
Mind and psychology 2 weeks
110. How to Cut Off a Narcissist Without Losing Yourself: Healing After Narcissistic Abuse
110. How to Cut Off a Narcissist Without Losing Yourself: Healing After Narcissistic Abuse
Hey, Survivor! How do you cut off a narcissist without losing yourself?  In this episode, I’m digging into why it’s so hard to do this, then sharing how to do it.  Whether you’re dealing with a romantic relationship, friend, family member, co-worker, boss, or neighbor, exposing yourself to the toxic stress of a narcissistically abusive situation can put you at risk for some serious health conditions and compromise your wellbeing.       If you, or someone you know, needs help cutting off a narcissist, this episode is for you. Know who you're dealing with.  Know who you are. 💚Lesley   Book your call here. Become a Vibrant Survivor insider here. Let's connect on IG!  Share today's episode and tag me @thevibrantsurvivor Contact support@lesleycain.com
Mind and psychology 3 weeks
109. 5 Lessons, as a Narcissistic Abuse Survivor, to Carry Into 2025
109. 5 Lessons, as a Narcissistic Abuse Survivor, to Carry Into 2025
Hey, Survivor! What were your greatest lessons in 2024?  In this episode, I’m sharing 5 lessons, as a narcissistic abuse survivor, to carry into 2025.  Whether you enjoyed a peaceful, narcissist-free holiday season, or you’re stressed to the max and exhausted from toxic relationships, your takeaways can motivate you to prioritize your health and wellbeing.       If you, or someone you know, needs some perspective for the new year, this episode is for you. Know who you're dealing with.  Know who you are. 💚Lesley   Book your call here. Become a Vibrant Survivor insider here. Let's connect on IG!  Share today's episode and tag me @thevibrantsurvivor Contact support@lesleycain.com
Mind and psychology 1 month
108. 3 Traumatic Truths I Wish I'd Known as a Narcissistic Abuse Survivor
108. 3 Traumatic Truths I Wish I'd Known as a Narcissistic Abuse Survivor
Hey, Survivor! How are you feeling this holiday season - physically and emotionally?  In this episode, I’m sharing 3 traumatic truths I wish I’d known as a narcissistic abuse survivor.  Don’t be scared to dig deep and transform.  You can’t control others; but you can control yourself.       If you, or someone you know, needs to better understand trauma, this episode is for you. Know who you're dealing with.  Know who you are. 💚Lesley   Book your call here. Become a Vibrant Survivor insider here. Let's connect on IG!  Share today's episode and tag me @thevibrantsurvivor Contact support@lesleycain.com  
Mind and psychology 1 month
107. Protect Your Peace This Holiday Season: Navigating Narcissism, Toxic Relationships and Painful Anniversaries
107. Protect Your Peace This Holiday Season: Navigating Narcissism, Toxic Relationships and Painful Anniversaries
Hey, Survivor! Holidays are tough for many of us - myself included.  In this episode, I’m sharing 4 strategies to protect your peace this holiday season.  Don’t let narcissistic or toxic relationships rob you of your joy!  You are worthy of healthy, happy holidays on your terms.       If you, or someone you know, needs help navigating the holidays peacefully, this episode is for you. Know who you're dealing with.  Know who you are. 💚Lesley   Book your call here. Become a Vibrant Survivor insider here. Let's connect on IG!  Share today's episode and tag me @thevibrantsurvivor Contact: support@lesleycain.com
Mind and psychology 1 month
106. 10 Healthy Ways You Can Prepare for a Vibrant New Year
106. 10 Healthy Ways You Can Prepare for a Vibrant New Year
Hey, Survivor! How do you plan to show up for 2025?  In this episode, I’m sharing 10 healthy ways you can prepare for a vibrant new year.  Planning ahead for the new year is an act of self care.  So, don’t wait until January 1st to start!  You are worthy of continued healing and an intentionally happy new year, where your vision of who you want to be comes to life.  Let’s do this together!     If you, or someone you know, need inspiration to set themselves up for success in 2025, this episode is for you. Know who you're dealing with.  Know who you are. 💚Lesley   Book your call here. Become a Vibrant Survivor insider here. Let's connect on IG!  Share today's episode and tag me @thevibrantsurvivor Contact: support@lesleycain.com
Mind and psychology 1 month
105. 5 Reasons You're Afraid to Set and Enforce Boundaries
105. 5 Reasons You're Afraid to Set and Enforce Boundaries
Hey, Survivor! Are you ready to overcome your fear of boundaries?  In this episode, I’m sharing 5 reasons you’re afraid to set and enforce them, and what you can do about it.  Boundaries are an act of self-love and freedom.  So, don’t be held hostage by your narcissistic and toxic relationships!  You are worthy of healthy relationships, where there’s respect and peace.     If you, or someone you know, need encouragement to set and enforce boundaries, this episode is for you. Know who you're dealing with.  Know who you are. 💚Lesley   Book your call here. Become a Vibrant Survivor insider here. Let's connect on IG!  Share today's episode and tag me @thevibrantsurvivor Contact: support@lesleycain.com
Mind and psychology 2 months
104. 3 Ways You Can Set and Reinforce Your Boundaries This Holiday Season
104. 3 Ways You Can Set and Reinforce Your Boundaries This Holiday Season
Hey, Survivor! How do you protect your best self, as a narcissistic abuse survivor?  In this episode, I’m sharing 3 ways you can set and reinforce your boundaries this holiday season.  Boundaries aren’t about punishing others.  They are an act of self love, and a way to love others.  Don’t let toxic traditions, situations or toxic people ruin your holidays, health or healing journey!  You are worthy of healthy relationships.     If you, or someone you know, need boundary help, this episode is for you. Know who you're dealing with.  Know who you are. 💚Lesley   Book your call here. Become a Vibrant Survivor insider here. Let's connect on IG!  Share today's episode and tag me @thevibrantsurvivor Contact: support@lesleycain.com
Mind and psychology 2 months
103. Find Out These 5 Things Before Booking Your Airbnb as a Narcissistic Abuse Survivor
103. Find Out These 5 Things Before Booking Your Airbnb as a Narcissistic Abuse Survivor
Hey, Survivor! How deep do you go when researching an Airbnb unit before booking, as a narcissistic abuse survivor?  In this episode, I’m sharing 5 things for you to find out before you invest your time and money.  Knowing who and what you’re dealing with can help you to avoid traumatic triggers that can ruin your stay, compromise your well-being and set you back on your healing journey. If you, or someone you know, need help planning for peaceful accommodations, this episode is for you. Know who you're dealing with.  Know who you are. 💚Lesley   Book your call here. Become a Vibrant Survivor insider here. Let's connect on IG!  Share today's episode and tag me @thevibrantsurvivor Contact: support@lesleycain.com
Mind and psychology 2 months
102. 5 Courtroom Tactics the Narcissist Uses to Try to Control the Outcome
102. 5 Courtroom Tactics the Narcissist Uses to Try to Control the Outcome
Hey, Survivor! What do you do, when the narcissist tries you in a court of law?  In this episode, I’m sharing 5 tactics with examples from a recent juvenile court hearing in an arson case.  Grounding yourself in the present can help you to stay focused and stand firm in your truth. If you, or someone you know, need help identifying, navigating and healing from narcissistic courtroom tactics, this episode is for you. Know who you're dealing with.  Know who you are. 💚Lesley   Book your call here. Become a Vibrant Survivor insider here. Let's connect on IG!  Share today's episode and tag me @thevibrantsurvivor Contact: support@lesleycain.com
Mind and psychology 2 months
101. 8 Healthy Ways to Grieve After Narcissistic Abuse
101. 8 Healthy Ways to Grieve After Narcissistic Abuse
Hey, Survivor! When and how have you grieved your narcissistic relationships?  Getting over it and moving on, by stuffing your feelings to avoid discomfort (yours or others’), can literally make you sick.  Disconnecting from toxic situations and creating space for healing can help you move through the stages of grief and grow through what you’re going through. If you, or someone you know, need healthy ways to grieve after narcissistic abuse, this episode is for you. Know who you're dealing with.  Know who you are. 💚Lesley   Book your call here. Become a Vibrant Survivor insider here. Let's connect on IG!  Share today's episode and tag me @thevibrantsurvivor Contact: support@lesleycain.com
Mind and psychology 3 months
100. 4 Indicators That It's Time to Walk Away from a Narcissistic Fight
100. 4 Indicators That It's Time to Walk Away from a Narcissistic Fight
Hey, Survivor! When is it time for you to walk away from a narcissistic fight?  The pursuit of external justice for what has happened to you can compromise your health and well-being.  So, proceed with caution, if you must.  Your healing, growth and peace are priceless; and they can serve as a form of justice too. If you, or someone you know, are caught in a narcissistic fight (directly or indirectly), this episode is for you. Know who you're dealing with.  Know who you are. 💚Lesley   Book your call here. Become a Vibrant Survivor insider here. Let's connect on IG!  Share today's episode and tag me @thevibrantsurvivor Contact: support@lesleycain.com
Mind and psychology 3 months
99. Where's the Justice? 3 Ways to Find Closure After Narcissistic Abuse
99. Where's the Justice? 3 Ways to Find Closure After Narcissistic Abuse
Hey, Survivor! How do you find closure, after narcissistic abuse?  Let me count 3 ways.  (See what I did there?)  How often have you looked externally for justice to be served to the toxic people you’ve dealt with, only to be disappointed.  Healing is a personal process; and you have to seek peace within. If you, or someone you know, are looking for closure after narcissistic abuse,  this episode is for you. Know who you're dealing with.  Know who you are. 💚Lesley   Book your call here. Become a Vibrant Survivor insider here. Let's connect on IG!  Share today's episode and tag me @thevibrantsurvivor Contact: support@lesleycain.com
Mind and psychology 3 months
98. How to Love Your Skin for Vibrant Health
98. How to Love Your Skin for Vibrant Health
Hey, Survivor! What do you do to achieve healthy skin?  In this episode, I’m sharing 6 ways you can love your skin for vibrant health inside and out.  It’s easy to seek external validation and to fill up (in some cases literally) with products, goods and services.  And social media sets the stage for quick purchases.  But loving your skin is more of an inside job than you may think.  If you, or someone you know, need help achieving vibrantly healthy skin,  this episode is for you. Know who you're dealing with.  Know who you are. 💚Lesley   Book your call here. Become a Vibrant Survivor insider here. Let's connect on IG!  Share today's episode and tag me @thevibrantsurvivor Contact: support@lesleycain.com   #narcissist #narcissisticabuse #narcissisticabusesurvivor #mentalhealth #heal #trauma #loneliness #boundaries #retaliation #traumainformed #thevibrantsurvivor #thevibrantsurvivorpodcast #podcaster #friendinyourheadfriday
Mind and psychology 3 months
97. 4 Healthy Ways to Navigate Your Narcissistic Workplace
97. 4 Healthy Ways to Navigate Your Narcissistic Workplace
Hey, Survivor! How do you navigate your narcissistic workplace, in a healthy way?  In this episode, I’m sharing 4 things you can do for your health and wellbeing.  Toxic work environments can suck the life out of you, if you let them.  But you can take back your power and build yourself up from the inside out, whether the toxic work culture changes or not - even if you eventually decide to leave.  If you, or someone you know, need help navigating narcissism at work, this episode is for you. Know who you're dealing with.  Know who you are. 💚Lesley   Book your call here. Become a Vibrant Survivor insider here. Let's connect on IG!  Share today's episode and tag me @thevibrantsurvivor Contact: support@lesleycain.com   #narcissist #narcissisticabuse #narcissisticabusesurvivor #mentalhealth #heal #trauma #loneliness #boundaries #retaliation #traumainformed #thevibrantsurvivor #thevibrantsurvivorpodcast #podcaster #friendinyourheadfriday
Mind and psychology 3 months
96. 7 Healing Reasons to Get Into Gardening After Narcissistic Abuse
96. 7 Healing Reasons to Get Into Gardening After Narcissistic Abuse
Hey, Survivor! How can gardening help you to heal, after narcissistic abuse?  In this episode, you’ll learn 7 healing reasons to dig into it for your mental, physical and emotional health and wellbeing.  Narcissistic and toxic relationships can suck the life out of you.  So, it’s important to cultivate healthy relationships and hobbies that nourish your mind, body and spirit.  Let’s GROW!  If you, or someone you know, want to tap into the healing power of gardening after narcissistic abuse, this episode is for you. Know who you're dealing with.  Know who you are. 💚Lesley   Book your call here. Become a Vibrant Survivor insider here. Let's connect on IG!  Share today's episode and tag me @thevibrantsurvivor Contact: support@lesleycain.com   #narcissist #narcissisticabuse #narcissisticabusesurvivor #mentalhealth #heal #trauma #loneliness #boundaries #retaliation #traumainformed #thevibrantsurvivor #thevibrantsurvivorpodcast #podcaster #friendinyourheadfriday
Mind and psychology 4 months
95. 3 Healthy Ways to Find Joy After Narcissistic Abuse
95. 3 Healthy Ways to Find Joy After Narcissistic Abuse
Hey, Survivor! How can you find joy, after narcissistic abuse?  In this episode, you’ll learn 3 healthy ways that can enhance your wellbeing and enrich the lives of others.  It’s easy to focus on the narcissist, and what they said and did in your toxic relationship.  But it’s important to cultivate community and tap into the healing power of healthy relationships.  You can do this!  If you, or someone you know, need help finding joy after narcissistic abuse, this episode is for you. Know who you're dealing with.  Know who you are. 💚Lesley   Book your call here. Become a Vibrant Survivor insider here. Let's connect on IG!  Share today's episode and tag me @thevibrantsurvivor Contact: support@lesleycain.com   #narcissist #narcissisticabuse #narcissisticabusesurvivor #mentalhealth #heal #trauma #loneliness #boundaries #retaliation #traumainformed #thevibrantsurvivor #thevibrantsurvivorpodcast #podcaster #friendinyourheadfriday
Mind and psychology 4 months
94. Identifying and Navigating 7 Narcissistic Courtroom Behaviors
94. Identifying and Navigating 7 Narcissistic Courtroom Behaviors
Hey, Survivor! How are you at identifying and navigating narcissistic courtroom behaviors?  In this episode, I’m sharing 7 ways that the narcissist behaves in court; and offering strategies to help you respond, not react.  Narcissistic and toxic courtroom drama is sad and stressful, which can compromise your health and wellbeing.  It’s important to stay grounded and focused; and to have support in court.  If you, or someone you know, need help identifying and navigating narcissistic courtroom behaviors, this episode is for you. Know who you're dealing with.  Know who you are. 💚Lesley   Book your call here. Become a Vibrant Survivor insider here. Let's connect on IG!  Share today's episode and tag me @thevibrantsurvivor Contact: support@lesleycain.com   #narcissist #narcissisticabuse #narcissisticabusesurvivor #mentalhealth #heal #trauma #loneliness #boundaries #retaliation #traumainformed #thevibrantsurvivor #thevibrantsurvivorpodcast #podcaster #friendinyourheadfriday
Mind and psychology 4 months
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