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By Trish Wood Trish Wood is Critical
Trish Wood is Critical

Trish Wood is Critical


Award-winning journalist Trish Wood digs deep with guests and thinks critically about the world, COVID-19 policy, true crime, wrongful convictions, epic media fails, addiction, the gender wars and sometimes basketball. Trish’s acclaimed interview style, empathetic but tough and agenda-free, explodes convention and exposes raw truth. Trish Wood's guests include: Matt Taibbi, Scott Atlas, Naomi Wolf, Abigail Shrier, Michael Shermer, Meghan Daum and Nancy Rommelmann. Listeners of this show also enjoy The Joe Rogan Podcast, Blocked and Reporter with Jesse Singal and Katie Herzog and Dave Rubin's show The Rubin Report as well as UK Talk Radio host Julia Hartley-Brewer.

Award-winning journalist Trish Wood digs deep with guests and thinks critically about the world, COVID-19 policy, true crime, wrongful convictions, epic media fails, addiction, the gender wars and sometimes basketball. Trish’s acclaimed interview style, empathetic but tough and agenda-free, explodes convention and exposes raw truth. Trish Wood's guests include: Matt Taibbi, Scott Atlas, Naomi Wolf, Abigail Shrier, Michael Shermer, Meghan Daum and Nancy Rommelmann. Listeners of this show also enjoy The Joe Rogan Podcast, Blocked and Reporter with Jesse Singal and Katie Herzog and Dave Rubin's show The Rubin Report as well as UK Talk Radio host Julia Hartley-Brewer.

The Wounding of a Nation: How Bad COVID Policies Hurt Us All
The Wounding of a Nation: How Bad COVID Policies Hurt Us All
We can't move ahead until we fully understand how the catastrophe of COVID-19 public policy gripped most Western countries. This week Trish is moderating the Canadian COVID Care Alliance Citizen's Hearing and gathering evidence from witnesses who were harmed or somehow disenfranchised by public health policy. On this episode, Trish talks about the hearings, and replays some stories from the last 2 and a half years that expose how deeply we were wounded by bad public policies. Support Trish on Patreon Find her on Twitter   Shop: https://www.trishwoodpodcast.com/shop
World and society 2 years
Jennifer Sey
Jennifer Sey
What would you do if someone offered you a million dollars to stow your beliefs and be quiet? Jennifer Sey turned down that offer. Sey who also lost her job as Brand Manager at Levis where she was on track for CEO. She was speaking out about the harms of school closures in during the C-19 lockdowns, a view that didn’t go over well with some of her left-leaning colleagues and a corporate culture devoted to unwavering fealty to increasingly politicized public health dictates. It’s a remarkable story of courage and resilience.    Support Trish on Patreon Find her on Twitter   Shop: https://www.trishwoodpodcast.com/shop  
World and society 2 years
Joanna Williams
Joanna Williams
It will take a massive counter-movement to get them out, but woke activists have conquered our institutions. Trish talks to Joanna Williams about the worlds of politics, academia and even corporate capitalism who now bend the knee to the new orthodoxies around gender, racism and identity. Joanna’s book — How Woke Won is a terrifying roadmap to the growing tyranny and intolerance we must contend with in the globalist ’s woke new order. And new developments in the fight to expose Prime Minister Trudeau’s dishonest push for the Emergencies Act against the truckers. Support Trish on Patreon Find her on Twitter   Shop: https://www.trishwoodpodcast.com/shop
World and society 2 years
Jeffrey Tucker
Jeffrey Tucker
As world leaders who oversaw the biggest public health failure of our time try to change the channel, their critics are planning a massive audit of the harms they caused. Jeffrey Tucker, who facilitated the thoughtful, anti-lockdown Great Barrington Declaration is now committed to holding accountable governments who did massive damage to people and the world economy. Also, Trish on paying a personal price for a medical choice and a few more words about mass shootings.
World and society 2 years
Dr. Paul Elias Alexander & Michael Lesher
Dr. Paul Elias Alexander & Michael Lesher
Schoolchildren were dying while a phalanx of armed cops kept their distance at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas— the second mass shooting by an American teenager in two weeks. Dr. Paul Elias Alexander warned of an extreme pediatric mental health crisis while advising President Trump on C-19 but media wouldn’t listen and lawyer Michael Lesher says the road to the shootings was paved with public policy decisions.   
World and society 2 years
Lydia Perovic & Prof Darryl Davies
Lydia Perovic & Prof Darryl Davies
In D.C. politics, they never let other people’s tragedy go to waste. How Buffalo’s mass shooting event has become a political talking point for a failing president. And the role C-19 lockdown policies may have played in the shooter’s mental breakdown. Also, Trish speaks to Prof Darryl Davies about the politicization of Canada’s judicial system and the persecution of Freedom Convoy’s Tamara Lich. And Lydia Petrovic’s new book captures our fractured relationship with a country circling the cultural drain.  
World and society 2 years
Colonel Douglas Macgregor
Colonel Douglas Macgregor
As the Ukraine War drags on and civilian casualties mount, getting information outside the approved narrative is still tricky and military people who speak truth are subject to abuse and smears. Trish interviews esteemed US Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor about winners, losers and the human cost. Also, Trish on Jagmeet’s bad day in Peterborough and Bill Gates exposed.
World and society 2 years
Catherine Austin Fitts
Catherine Austin Fitts
A former Wall Street investment banker turned whistleblower spills the beans on the global move to control the masses through digital ID's and money. Trish and Catherine discuss her take on G7/WEF plans to stratify society with wealthy elites at the top and the rest of us scrambling in indentured servitude at the bottom. Plus Trish’s COVID recovery and another look at failing vaccines and the governments who love them.
World and society 2 years
Dr. Byram Bridle & Dr. Denis Rancourt
Dr. Byram Bridle & Dr. Denis Rancourt
Are the unvaccinated a threat to those who’ve been jabbed? A recent paper in the Canadian Medical Association Journal is creating a storm of controversy for making that claim amid criticisms of methodological flaws fuelling a major debate. Dr. Byram Bridle and Dr. Denis Rancourt join Trish to ponder a paper some say goes too far.
World and society 2 years
Special Notice from Trish
Special Notice from Trish
No Full Episode today as Trish is ill, but she drops a note with thoughts on Shanghai and Elon's Twitter takeover. Back next week with a regular show.
World and society 2 years
Journalist Julie Kelly
Journalist Julie Kelly
As media make their corrections and the fake fear narrative around the Trucker convoy crumbles, it is clear that the negative stories about the protests were meant to serve a purpose one American journalist, Julie Kelly, understands well. She’s been covering the aftermath of the January 6th protest and riots from the beginning and although the convoy saw no violence she sees many similarities in how the truckers were smeared by elites. She recognizes the playbook.
World and society 2 years
Dr. Joseph Fraiman - On His Thoughtful C-19 Apology
Dr. Joseph Fraiman - On His Thoughtful C-19 Apology
Trish has a new scoop on the Liberal government’s campaign against the truckers. Plus what do the Will Smith slap and Disney staff walkout over don’t say gay have in common?  And a special guest in Dr. Joseph Fraiman, a Louisiana ER doctor who admits he was wrong in supporting lockdowns and has made an apology for it. He also got an exemption for the jab and is studying what might be going wrong with mass vaccination programs.
World and society 2 years
Journalist Rupa Subramanya: Plus Trish Dismantles Smears Against Truckers
Journalist Rupa Subramanya: Plus Trish Dismantles Smears Against Truckers
What if everything the government said about the trucker protest was false. And that those falsehoods, repeated in parliament and protected by privilege, were weaponized in order to discredit the protests and silence dissent. Trish investigates allegations made against the convoy and its supporters and finds they don’t withstand scrutiny. 
World and society 2 years
Director Oliver Stone: How Dark State Actors Killed a President
Director Oliver Stone: How Dark State Actors Killed a President
Stone’s shocking new documentary, JFK Revisited makes a slam dunk case that President John F. Kennedy was murdered, not by Lee Harvey Oswald, but by bad actors, some of whom were on the government’s payroll. The information is credible but also terrifying as it exposes dark forces at work undermining, by any means possible, democracy and the will of the citizenry. The connection to ongoing geopolitical tyranny is clear.   
World and society 2 years
Remembering Canadian Trucker Courage
Remembering Canadian Trucker Courage
Stefan Eberspaecher guides us through the hope and heartbreak that was the trucker convoy protest in Ottawa. On days when we feel everything is dark, Stefan helps us recall those heady weeks when democracy was humming and unheard citizens came forward to protest and forge new friendships across the country.  It was perhaps the most significant workers-led event in Canada's history and yet nearly all media got the story wrong.  Here's what happened from ground zero.
World and society 2 years
Jay Bhattacharya On An Important COVID Apology
Jay Bhattacharya On An Important COVID Apology
This week an important event in COVID-history exploded when a doctor apologized and admitted to the Great Barrington / focused protection signatories he’d been completely wrong in thinking about the pandemic. It was a lovely moment for Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, after nearly two years of abuse and smears that made him an outcast in some circles. The GBD plan is becoming widely accepted now that research is showing lockdowns did more harm than good.
World and society 2 years
C-19 Models Failed
C-19 Models Failed
What if all the modelling and projections about C-19, the ones driving extreme public health measures and fear were actually miscalculations by “experts” out of their depth and purposely slanted to the high side? Now Ana Cascon and William Shadwick, two accomplished mathematicians are speaking out, making a very strong case that seriously flawed models and the precautions based on them didn’t do much at all to actually slow the spread or even save lives. It is a shocking interview that will change the way you viewed the pandemic.
World and society 2 years
Gilbert Doctorow Inside Russia
Gilbert Doctorow Inside Russia
Beyond the breathless coverage of the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a story of broken promises and a fractured security landscape. Legacy media over simplifies the fighting into stereotypes of good and evil but the truth is complex — and something the neocons who push for conflict will never admit. Gilbert Doctorow, a Russia expert and scholar, explains decades of legitimate Russian grievances.
World and society 2 years
*PREVIEW* Stefan Eberspaecher: Inside The Final Days Of The Ottawa Protest
*PREVIEW* Stefan Eberspaecher: Inside The Final Days Of The Ottawa Protest
The Emergencies Act is off and banks are no longer freezing accounts but many people connected to the trucker protests have been intimidated into silence, leaving nothing but a gloomy quiet. But in this special report, we go inside what actually happened during those three heady weeks with a volunteer who saw it all and has been changed forever. Also, Trish sounds off about the neocon response to the invasion of Ukraine.  Subscribe today for access to all premium episodes: www.patreon.com/trishwoodpodcast
World and society 2 years
Kyle Kemper
Kyle Kemper
(This was recorded before aggressive police action on Feb 18 afternoon)   While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau doubles down on tyranny against the peaceful trucker protest, the country wonders just exactly what he is thinking. Why not just drop the mandates? None of it makes any sense. Trudeau’s brother, Kyle Kemper joins Trish to unpack the psychological factors driving a national crisis and to explain his own support for the truckers' movement.  
World and society 2 years
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