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TWiT Throwback (MP3)
Dig into the TWiT.tv archives and enjoy episodes from ten years ago. It's a tech time machine!
Please note that these episodes are from ten years ago, so URLs, products, and other information may be very outdated. Sponsor codes and offers may no longer be valid.
Dig into the TWiT.tv archives and enjoy episodes from ten years ago. It's a tech time machine!
Please note that these episodes are from ten years ago, so URLs, products, and other information may be very outdated. Sponsor codes and offers may no longer be valid.
This Week in Enterprise Tech 128: Shmoocon & BYOD
Episode in
TWiT Throwback (MP3)
Title II will enforce strong Net-Neutrality regulations, Windows RT is dead, Anthem breach, and more.
Hosts: Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ and Brian Chee
Guest: Lisa Lorenzin
Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/this-week-in-enterprise-tech.
Thanks to CacheFly for the bandwidth for this show.
ringcentral.com promo code TWIT
ldproducts.com/twit offer code TWIT
Tech News 2Night 271: Apple Launches Streaming Media Service
Episode in
TWiT Throwback (MP3)
Samsung TVs are sharing info, Apple launches a streaming media service, Anthem warns of phishing emails, UK Universities want smart students but no Smart Watches, Netflix plans to launch in Cuba, Qualcomm settles an anti-trust probe, and more...
Host: Megan Morrone
Guest: Katie Benner
Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/tech-news-2night.
Bandwidth for Tech News 2Night is provided by CacheFly.
iPad Today 235: Instagram, Sonos Controller, Amazon, SwiftKey
Episode in
TWiT Throwback (MP3)
Leo & Sarah show off your favorite apps updated: Instagram, Sonos Controller, Amazon app, SwiftKey, Twitter, Storehouse. Apple's the most profitable quarter of any company ever, FiftyThree's Paper is now free, Microsoft has 100 iOS and Android apps.
Hosts: Leo Laporte and Sarah Lane
Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/ios-today.
Thanks to CacheFly for the bandwidth for this show.
casper.com/ipadtoday promo code: IPADTODAY
Triangulation 188: Product Hunt Founder Ryan Hoover
Episode in
TWiT Throwback (MP3)
Ryan Hoover is the Founder of Product Hunt, which is an online community that surfaces the best new products, every day.
Host: Leo Laporte
Guest: Ryan Hoover
Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/triangulation.
Thanks to CacheFly for the bandwidth for this show.
ringcentral.com promo code TWIT
Tech News Today 1192: The Orwellian Samsung TV
Episode in
TWiT Throwback (MP3)
Samsung's TV privacy policy is compared to Orwell's 1984, here comes the Ubuntu smartphone, Congress is coming after the car industry over security and privacy, and more...
Host: Mike Elgan
Co-Host: Megan Morrone
Guest: Cherlynn Low
Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/tech-news-today.
Check out the full show notes for today's episode.
Thanks to CacheFly for the bandwidth for this show.
legalzoom.com offer code TNT
This Week in Tech 496: The Self Loathing Car
Episode in
TWiT Throwback (MP3)
Meaning of privacy, Title II for broadband, learning to think, and more.
Host: Leo Laporte
Guests: Devindra Hardawar, Larry Magid, and Owen JJ Stone
Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/this-week-in-tech.
Bandwidth for This Week in Tech is provided by CacheFly.
www.stamps.com promo code TWIT
squarespace.com offer code: TWIT
The Tech Guy 1160: Sunday, February 8, 2015
Episode in
TWiT Throwback (MP3)
Home theater PC recommendations, what Android tablet to get, using your iPhone overseas, and your calls.
Host: Leo Laporte
Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/the-tech-guy.
Bandwidth for The Tech Guy podcast is provided by CacheFly.
The Tech Guy 1159: Saturday, February 7, 2015
Episode in
TWiT Throwback (MP3)
Buying a smartphone in China, getting rid of malware on a Mac, hi-res digital audio players and more of your calls.
Host: Leo Laporte
Guests: Scott Wilkinson, Johnny Jet, and Dick DeBartolo
Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/the-tech-guy.
Bandwidth for The Tech Guy podcast is provided by CacheFly.
ringcentral.com promo code TWIT
smartthings.com/twit with code TWIT
Tech News 2Night 270: Net Neutrality Wrap-up
Episode in
TWiT Throwback (MP3)
Tesla continues to poach Apple employees, Facebook creates Circles, Updates to the Anthem Breach, more Net Neutrality discussions, ProPublica reaches out to help Werner Koch, Windows 10 mobile screenshots leaks, and more...
Host: Megan Morrone
Guest: Jason Abbruzzese
Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/tech-news-2night.
Bandwidth for Tech News 2Night is provided by CacheFly.
This Week in Law 291: Jane Stop This Crazy Thing!
Episode in
TWiT Throwback (MP3)
The problem with self-driving cars in snowstorms, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler's Net Neutrality proposal, how Keurig's coffee cup DRM backfired, and more!
Host: Denise Howell
Guests: Mike Elgan, Sam Abuelsamid, and Ben Snitkoff
Photo credit: Bob Mical
Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/this-week-in-law.
TWiL on Facebook
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Special thanks to Nigel Clutterbuck for the TWiL theme music. Thanks to CacheFly for the bandwidth for this show.
Tech News Today 1191: Twitter's Missing 4 Million Users
Episode in
TWiT Throwback (MP3)
Twitter reports big revenue and small user growth, we've got new details about Windows 10, American business owners want President Obama to turn the screws on China, and more...
Host: Mike Elgan
Co-Host: Elise Hu
Guests: Erin Griffith, Kurt Wagner, and Tom Warren
Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/tech-news-today.
Check out the full show notes for today's episode.
Thanks to CacheFly for the bandwidth for this show.
The Giz Wiz 1504: Pedal Power
Episode in
TWiT Throwback (MP3)
Induction Cooktop, Star Wars and Doctor Who merchandise, Hamilton Beach Go Sport blender, and the K-Tor Pedal Powered Generator and Hand Crank.
Hosts: Dick DeBartolo and Chad Johnson
Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/weekly-daily-giz-wiz.
For more details and a chance to win the Mad Magazine "What The Heck Is It?" contest, visit GizWiz.Biz.
Bandwidth for The Giz Wiz is provided by CacheFly.
harrys.com offer code GIZWIZ
This Week in Computer Hardware 301: Raspberry Pi 2 is Here, Woot!
Episode in
TWiT Throwback (MP3)
Radio Shack is filing for bankruptcy, GTX 970 gets memory tested, the GTX 960 is a winner, Mobile G-Sync confirmed, glNext initiative unveiled, Gigabyte BRIX S BXi7H-5500 reviewed, Swatch is planning on a Smartwatch, Razer Blade gaming laptop refresh, and more!
Hosts: Patrick Norton and Ryan Shrout
Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/this-week-in-computer-hardware.
Thanks to CacheFly for the bandwidth for this show.
Home Theater Geeks 242: THX Achromatic Audio Amplifier
Episode in
TWiT Throwback (MP3)
Laurie Fincham, Senior Vice President of Audio Research and Development at THX Limited, joins us in studio to talk about new amplifier technology and the Benchmark AHB2 Power Amplifier.
Host: Scott Wilkinson
Guest: Laurie Fincham
Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/home-theater-geeks.
Thanks to CacheFly for the bandwidth for this show.
smartthings.com/twit with code TWIT
Tech News 2Night 269: Twitter Reaches Out To Google
Episode in
TWiT Throwback (MP3)
Twitter reports earnings and reaches out to Google, GoPro quarterly report released, Twitter CEO claims the troll problem has been handled poorly, Swatch announced a new smart watch is coming, Apple has pushed out a Beta of Photos - the iPhoto replacement, rumors are Apple is working on a WebTV service, and more...
Host: Megan Morrone
Guest: Danny Sullivan
Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/tech-news-2night.
Bandwidth for Tech News 2Night is provided by CacheFly.
Marketing Mavericks 41: Shiv Singh and Visa
Episode in
TWiT Throwback (MP3)
We talk to Shiv Singh about the transformation at Visa and how they use social media in their marketing.
Host: Tonya Hall
Guest: Shiv Singh
Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/marketing-mavericks.
Thanks to CacheFly for the bandwidth for this show.
squarespace.com offer code: MM
legalzoom.com offer code: MM
Know How... 129: Mars Helicopter, Ethernet Wiring, and AR Gaming
Episode in
TWiT Throwback (MP3)
JPL is working on a multi-rotor craft to deploy on Mars rover missions, everything you need to know for setting up your own LAN, AR Gaming, and more.
Hosts: Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ and Bryan Burnett
Connect with us!Don't forget to check out our large library of projects at https://twit.tv/shows/know-how.
Tweet at us at @padresj, @Cranky_Hippo, and @Anelf3
Coding 101 53: Breaking Gibson - The Man Who Compiles
Episode in
TWiT Throwback (MP3)
Is TypeScript for people who do JavaScript? And Steve Gibson drops by to give us more knowledge on CISC versus RISC.
Host: Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ
Guests: Steve Gibson and Louis Maresca
Get In Touch With Us!Subscribe and get Coding 101 automatically at https://twit.tv/shows/coding-101
Follow @PadreSJ on Twitter.
Bandwidth for Coding 101 is provided by CacheFly.
Tech News Today 1190: Twitter CEO Says: "We Suck!"
Episode in
TWiT Throwback (MP3)
Tweets are coming back to Google Search, Swatch is entering the smartwatch racket, Twitter's CEO finally makes a statement about troll control on Twitter "We suck", and more...
Host: Mike Elgan
Co-Host: Elise Hu
Guests: Barry Schwartz and Cat Zakrzewski
Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/tech-news-today.
Check out the full show notes for today's episode.
Thanks to CacheFly for the bandwidth for this show.
Ham Nation 182: We Visit the American Legion Amateur Radio Club
Episode in
TWiT Throwback (MP3)
Gordo Short Shots from Quartzfest 2015, The American Legion Amateur Radio Club, setting up an HF station and more!
Hosts: Bob Heil, Gordon West, George Thomas, Don Wilbanks, Valerie Hotzfeld, and Amanda Alden
Guest: Marty Justis
Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/ham-nation.
Thanks to Joe Walsh who wrote and plays the Ham Nation theme.
Thanks to CacheFly for the bandwidth for this show.
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