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By Alberto Ablanedo Two Degrees of Separation
Two Degrees of Separation

Two Degrees of Separation


A Podcast about traditional music, we don't listen to it, we talk about it.

The host is Alberto Ablanedo, a bouzouki player from Asturias (Spain) and lover of all things related to "celtic" music, making use of the connections made through music to talk to interesting musicians in the trad music scene.

This is the English version of 2gra2 de Separación, the Spanish sidekick of this podcast. If you speak Spanish, please check it out!

A Podcast about traditional music, we don't listen to it, we talk about it.

The host is Alberto Ablanedo, a bouzouki player from Asturias (Spain) and lover of all things related to "celtic" music, making use of the connections made through music to talk to interesting musicians in the trad music scene.

This is the English version of 2gra2 de Separación, the Spanish sidekick of this podcast. If you speak Spanish, please check it out!

Two Degrees of Separation #1 - Michael Walsh
Two Degrees of Separation #1 - Michael Walsh
Two Degrees of Separation Podcast with flute player Michael Walsh. This is the English version of a podcast that I do in Spanish, normally speaking about traditional music with different musicians. This time I had the opportunity to talk about Asturian music with Michael Walsh, a flute player from Manchester who is also doing research for his PhD on Asturian Music. It is really interesting to know how he was drawn into Asturian music from an outside perspective and, hopefully, doing similar things may rise some interest in our music. I try to keep it casual and not overproduced, so please excuse my blunders and occasional butchering of the English language, as I am not a native speaker. It should be more or less OK, though. Audio is not great for this podcast as there seems to be a big difference in levels, but it is not bad. Please comment if you find this interesting. I do have the means of doing more of them in the future with some traditional Irish/Scottish/Breton musicians. Some may even be quite famous!!!
World's musics and others 8 years
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