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Episode of Les rutes del so
Description of Regirant calaixos de CDs
1. “Hidden Seam” – Lisa Knapp (Hidden Seam, 2013).
2. “Camanachd Ghlaschu” – Mary Ann Kennedy (Glaschu, 2019).
3. “Anima de Moundou”– Stefano Saletti & Banda Ikona (Mediterraneo ostinato,
4. * “La noia del vent” – Päivi Hirvonen (Kallio/La Roca, 2022).
5. ** “Anem a la cabana d’en Goahti” – Kajsa Balto (Tot és viu, 2020).
6. “Tried to tell you” – The Weather Station (Ignorance, 2021).
7. “Oh No” – Lavender Diamond (Imagine our Love, 2007).
8. *** “En el costat fosc de la Lluna” – Flëur (De tacte suau, 2002).
9. “La Teva Pell” – Heura Gaya (Gaya, 2019).
10. “Com avui” – Donallop (Crisàlide, 2019).
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