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By Andrew McGivern the Daily Quote
Richard Koch – The 80/20 principle asserts that 80% of results come from 20% of efforts

Richard Koch – The 80/20 principle asserts that 80% of results come from 20% of efforts

1/17/2025 · 03:51
the Daily Quote Episode of the Daily Quote

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Welcome to The Daily Quote—a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, for January 17th.
Now, here’s the thing about January 17th: it’s Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day. That’s right—today is the unofficial holiday that gives you permission to scrap those ambitious goals you optimistically set on January 1st.
You know, the ones that seemed like a great idea when you were full of champagne and hope? The statistics don’t lie—80% of people fail at their resolutions. That sounds like a dire statistic.. but as we'll hear in todays quote of the day it is entirely normal
But wait a minute...
That means 20% do succeed.
So, the question is, do you want to be part of the 20%? Or are you ready to pack it in and binge-watch another series on Netflix?
Are the goals you set 17 days ago worth the extra effort it will take to make them a reality?
That brings us to today’s quote, one that pairs perfectly with this holiday and forces us to reflect on what really matters:
Today's quote is from Richard Koch who once said...
"The 80/20 principle asserts that 80% of results come from 20% of efforts."

Now, let’s unpack that. Hhere’s the beauty of the 80/20 rule: it’s not saying you have to do everything. It’s saying you only need to focus on the right things—the things that move the needle in your life. If your resolution was to “get healthy,” you don’t need a perfect meal plan, a gym membership, and a meditation routine all at once. Start with the 20% that makes 80% of the difference. Drink more water. Go for a walk. Sleep an extra hour.
Think of life as a choose-your-own-adventure book. Are you turning the page toward the path that gets you closer to your goals? Or are you flipping back to the easier, “meh, maybe next year” chapter?

Either choice is valid—it’s your story.
But if those resolutions really mattered to you, then today doesn’t have to be a day to ditch them. It can be a day to refine them, focusing on the small, impactful things that help you succeed.
Because let’s be honest: the 80% of people who give up? They’re not happier. They’re just stuck in the same old patterns. But the 20% who succeed? They’re proof that success is less about being perfect and more about being consistent.
So, what’s it going to be?
Remember, resolutions aren’t about pressure. They’re about progress. The 80/20 rule is your secret weapon to getting there. You don’t have to do it all—just do what really counts.
That's gonna do it for this episode of the Daily Quote. I'm Andrew McGivern signing off for now - take a moment to reflect: is today the day you ditch your goals, or is it the day you double down on what really matters? I know what I’d choose.
It's your move.
Either way... I'll back tomorrow, same pod time, same pod station for another Daily Quote.

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