S01 E25 -Sam Marsden / Author- A Pocketful Of Drama (Drama Resource Book Series).
Description of S01 E25 -Sam Marsden / Author- A Pocketful Of Drama (Drama Resource Book Series).
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Discover the insightful world of "A Pocket Full of Drama" by the talented author Sam Marsden, part of their Drama Resource Book Series. Sam's firsthand experience of teaching in both regular and non-traditional education settings gives you a real feel for how these books are put together. They're written so well for teachers, facilitators, or anyone keen on adding drama to their skill set. Each game and exercise is explained thoroughly and laid out well to make sure the person leading the activity knows exactly what they're doing. I've tried out the books myself and can confirm that there are plenty of really fun, new games to discover. Thank you Sam for your time.
‘Sam's work hopes to empower and spark people's creativity, whether through her drama teaching, teaching resources, or fiction’
Sams links:
Website - https://www.marsdensam.com/
Instagram - @poketfulofdrama
X - @sammarsdendrama
Applied Theatre Podcast:
X - @Apptheatrepod
Instagram - @AppliedTheatrePod
Email - appliedtheatrepodcast@gmail.com
Subscribe on Spotify, Apple & Google Podcasts and Youtube (w/subtitles) - Applied Theatre Podcast
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