Description of S3EP58: Interview with Jerry Calley, "Mr. Rotary"
Show Notes:
Listen in as Jerry Calley shares how a simple lark trip to San Felipe became a love affair with this vibrant area. Get the scoop on what fuels Rotary's benevolence and Jerry's attraction to this slice of paradise.
Jerry Calley--Mr. Rotary
Rotary's profound impact on San Felipe
Serendipitous family engagement and attachment to area
Unique Rotary fundraising events
Jerry's move from Phoenix
Baja Mar--Jerry's escape from the summer heat
Best way to keep in shape
Turn Left at the Cactus is a locally operated podcast in San Felipe, Baja, Mexico. This podcast is produced by Calyn Whedbee and co-hosted together with Tricia Sikes. We dropped our first podcast in the summer of 2022. And, honestly, given the demographic we are working with, we had absolutely no idea whether any of it would fly. And, honestly, we still don’t know. To our amusement and surprise, however, ourlistening base is growing --“poco a poco.”
Theprimary focus of Turn Left is discovering what foreign nationals, living and working here--full or part time--find so attractive about the area; why they moved here; and what they think is deserving of more attention. However, we
don't always stick to the script, so virtually anything is possible.
We drop episodes as often as we can interview people and get them into postproduction. Given that we are retired, and that this is -- to use the cliché: a labor of love. AND, given that life in SF tends to pull all of us in lots of different directions, we have opted out trying to stick to a specific production schedule. We “drop” when we can. If , however, you join the group on Facebook you’ll always be the first to get a notification of the
latest episode.
Thanks for listening. Please support us by leaving a Like on Facebook and a Like and a Review on your favorite podcast host. It helps people find us.
Cal & Tricia
contact us at: cactusleft@gmail.com
*The views and opinions expressed by our guests are not necessarily ours*