Sammy Siegler from Youth Of Today and Project X is here

Description of Sammy Siegler from Youth Of Today and Project X is here
Me, you, Youth Crew! Today on TOAP, Sammy 'The Youth' Siegler is here! Listen in as Damian sits down with the legendary hardcore drummer to talk punk and being the Youth in the Crew. From hanging with superheroes and monsters, to the winding up on a positive path, to a skinheads sleeping on mom's couch, to who's more fun to jam with: Patti Smith or Fred Durst and so much more! Don't miss this!
Also, don't miss Sammy playing with Judge, this week!
Also, don't miss Sammy playing with CIV in Orlando, this December!
Also, don't miss Sammy playing with Rival Schools in Japan, this January!
Also, don't miss Sammy playing with Shelter in Europe, this March!
Also, pick up the "Turned Out A Punk" edition of "Another Day" from Jerry O'Connell's favourite Toronto record store: Emission Records (it'll make sense after you hear the episode).
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