The Importance of Hearing the Voice of God in this New Era

Description of The Importance of Hearing the Voice of God in this New Era
In this episode of the Made to Pray podcast, Karrilee and Lori reflect on the past year and share insights for 2025. They discuss the importance of community prayer, the power of agreement, and the significance of hearing God's voice. The conversation emphasizes themes of hope, obedience, and spiritual warfare, while encouraging listeners to anticipate long-awaited answers to prayer and to pursue a deeper relationship with God.
Community prayer brings a different dynamic to our faith.
Reflecting on the past year can reveal God's faithfulness.
Choosing our perspective is crucial for maintaining hope.
The phrase 'yes and' encourages openness and obedience.
Spiritual warfare is real, and we must be aware of it.
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah signifies victory and justice.
Long-awaited answers to prayer are on the horizon.
Hearing God's voice requires discipline and quiet time.
We are not alone in our spiritual battles.
This year is an opportunity for growth and community.
Sound Bites:
"It's a yes and kind of year."
"We feel victory coming."
"The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is roaring."
"We will see miracles happen."
"We are not in this alone."
"Long awaited answers are coming."
"This is a brand new era starting off this year."
"Hearing God's voice is vital this year."
"This year is marked by mercy and grace."
Welcome and Reflections on 2024
Insights for 2025: Themes of Hope and Obedience
The Power of Agreement and Spiritual Warfare
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah: Victory and Justice
Anticipating Long-Awaited Answers to Prayer
Hearing God's Voice and Spiritual Discernment
Pursuing God: A Year of Growth and Community
ALSO - We pre-recorded this and so we did not address the fires in California (and the polar vortex in the Carolinas) - but we are praying and invite you to cover these areas in prayer as well!
We'll be back next week!
Be Blessed,
~Karrilee & Lori~