The number of Cancer cases is increasing in America. This week, Dr. Prather talks about the importance of combining Structure-Function Care with the traditional Disease Care for best patient outcomes. In this episode, you'll discover:
—How disease develops in the first place because the body goes out of Homeostasis. And how Structure-Function Care is necessary to bring your body back into Homeostasis.
—Why Structure-Function Care helps in the prevention of Cancer, helps keep your body healthy during Cancer treatment, and helps the body to recover after Cancer treatment.
—The reason Dr. Prather says that surgery is the best treatment for Cancer. And the importance of "more targeted" and "conservative" Disease Care for better Cancer outcomes.
—How there is an 85% reduction of side-effects from Cancer treatment (pain, hair loss, radiation burns, fatigue, etc.) when combined with Chiropractic and Acupuncture treatments.
—Why several Oncologists have told Dr. Prather how they wish they could have him on staff to help with their Cancer patients.
—How keeping a patient from becoming Anemic during Cancer treatments can improve the chance of recovery by 50%. And the role that keeping the Liver clean (through Structure-Function Care) has in improving Cancer outcomes.
—Why your gut health is critical for Cancer care, and why you have to get the G.I. fixed in order to get the immune system up.
—The story of the young woman who had three different bouts with Cancer because she had LOW Cholesterol.
—The importance of identifying heavy metal toxicities, underlying infections, parasites, and free radical pathology. And why Estrogen dominance is one of the big things that can kick off Cancer.
—Two of Dr. Prather's "favorite" products that he uses for his Cancer patients to boost the immune system, especially for "the really tough" cases.