Description of The Wizards of Pod - Episode 1
Podcast Titles Discussed In This Episode
Spectacular Failures
In Machines We Trust
Who Is?
Film Sack
The Popcorn Diet
The Podcast of Surprise
Library News
The Public Library Association (PLA) is partnering with the Public Policy and Advocacy (PPA) office of the American Library Association to launch a new project for census data literacy. http://www.ala.org/news/member-news/2021/03/free-training-boost-census-data-literacy-skills-improve-planning-and-programs.
The Joint Council of Librarians of Color (JCLC), a non-profit affiliate of the ALA, was awarded with the 2021 American Library Association Equity Award, consisting of $1,000 and a framed citation. http://www.ala.org/news/press-releases/2021/03/joint-council-librarians-color-named-winner-2021-ala-equality-award
New York State Citizen Public Health Training Program by Cornell University. Cornell University’s Public Health Program has developed a four-part online training program to help build community-led initiatives and support surrounding prevention, detection, and response in the event of public health emergencies. With two hours of content per week, each module will build up your core knowledge, skills, and abilities, along with specific “calls to action” to help you translate learning into action within your community and network. Each module will also have one or more live (and recorded) conversations with experts to share up-to-date information and to answer key questions. https://nypublichealth.cornell.edu/nyspublichealth/